Various news items from Inderscence
Here are some news items from Inderscience Publishers which may interest members of lis-forum 1. An RSS feed of Calls For Papers for special issues published by Inderscience is now available: 2. A New Articles Channel gives details of the latest articles published in Inderscience journals: 3. The Inderscience News Blog gives information about new journal titles, new issues of the Highlights newsletter, Calls for papers, announcement of inaugural issues, contents of special issues, selective editorials, and more. 4. You can Search the full-text of 11978 articles in 143 Inderscience Journals at: 5. Inderscience has just launched a new journal: International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation (IJHFMS) ISSN (Online): 1742-5557 ISSN (Print): 1742-5549 IJHFMS will have particular focus on the following: * Human factors theory as related to computational models of human performance and interaction with virtual environments * Simulator-based evaluations of human factors issues * Computer simulation of human behaviour and performance * Digital human modelling and simulation * Developments in simulation and virtual environments to address human factors and ergonomics issues * Human performance modelling * Simulation of physiological behaviour, measures, and predictions Readership: IJHFMS is an archival record of original technical publications. The intent is to provide state of the art knowledge to professionals in human factors, ergonomics, animation, modelling and simulation of humans and human factors, academics, researchers, policy makers, and designers. Editor in Chief: Dr. Karim A. Malek Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering The University of Iowa Iowa City IA 52242 USA Content available by subscription. Abstracts available online. Articles available in HTML and PDF format. Current Issue: Volume 1 No 1 2006 Roddy MacLeod Here are some news items from Inderscience Publishers which may interest members of lis-forum 1. An RSS feed of Calls For Papers for special issues published by Inderscience is now available: 2. A New Articles Channel gives details of the latest articles published in Inderscience journals: 3. The Inderscience News Blog gives information about new journal titles, new issues of the Highlights newsletter, Calls for papers, announcement of inaugural issues, contents of special issues, selective editorials, and more. 4. You can Search the full-text of 11978 articles in 143 Inderscience Journals at: 5. Inderscience has just launched a new journal: International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation (IJHFMS) ISSN (Online): 1742-5557 ISSN (Print): 1742-5549 IJHFMS will have particular focus on the following: * Human factors theory as related to computational models of human performance and interaction with virtual environments * Simulator-based evaluations of human factors issues * Computer simulation of human behaviour and performance * Digital human modelling and simulation * Developments in simulation and virtual environments to address human factors and ergonomics issues * Human performance modelling * Simulation of physiological behaviour, measures, and predictions Readership: IJHFMS is an archival record of original technical publications. The intent is to provide state of the art knowledge to professionals in human factors, ergonomics, animation, modelling and simulation of humans and human factors, academics, researchers, policy makers, and designers. Editor in Chief: Dr. Karim A. Malek Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering The University of Iowa Iowa City IA 52242 USA Content available by subscription. Abstracts available online. Articles available in HTML and PDF format. Current Issue: Volume 1 No 1 2006 Roddy MacLeod
participants (1)
MacLeod, Roderick A