Research Papers + Subscription are invited for SALIS Journals

Dear members and professional colleagues, Research papers/case studies are invited for publication in the following SALIS journals for the issues to be published in 2014. 1. SALIS Journal of Library and Information Science and 2. SALIS Journal of Information Management and Technology The details are given below: 1. SALIS Journal of Library and Information Science (SJLIS) COVERAGE Library principles, practices and administration, TQM, benchmarking, trends and developments, policy formulations and issues, LIS services, metric and user studies, evaluation of library and information systems, services and products, LIS education and training, web based information services, information literacy, information and knowledge management, IPR, ICT applications, e-resources and e-services, metadata creation and standards, search engines, subject gateways and data mining, digital initiatives, standards, preservation and conservation strategies, open source initiatives, content development and e-publishing, human resource development, knowledge skills and capacity building initiatives. SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Authors may send their research/case studies papers prepared on the above mentioned topics as softcopy ( as per the authors instructions contained in ) to SUBSCRIPTION RATE ( for the Journal - SJLIS) Rs. 1000 - Institution Rs. 750-/- for Members SUBSCRIPTION ORDER DD should be drawn in favour of ‘SALIS’ payable at Chennai for the amount mentioned above and send to : The President SALIS 32(GF), 2nd Main Road, Sabari Nagar Extension, Mugalivakkam, Chennai – 600 125-44-2252 2448 Tel : 044- 2252 2448, 43836177 2. SALIS Journal of Information Management and Technology (SJIMT) COVERAGE Information system - analysis, design, processing, storage and retrieval. Information -resources, tools, techniques, services, delivery, evaluation, resource sharing. Application - computer, communication, network, internet, web, storage and security technologies. Internet- services, search engines, subject gateway, portal, semantic web, next generation web tools and services. Content Management - e-learning, e-publishing, content development, e-resources, digital library, preservation and open source initiatives. Data Mining, Standards and Formats. Research Methods. Information /Knowledge Management - organization, infrastructure and initiatives, personnel, best practices, TQM, HRD, CRM, information literacy, marketing information products and services. Information ethics -IPR, privacy, security. SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Authors may send their research/case studies papers prepared on the above mentioned topics as softcopy ( as per the authors instructions contained in ) to SUBSCRIPTION RATE ( for the Journal - SJIMT) Rs. 500 For institution Rs.350/- for Individuals Rs.300/- For Members SUBMISSION ORDER DD should be drawn in favour of INDER PUBLICAITONS payable at Coimbatore and send to: INDER PUBLICAITONS 97/3, Manjeeswari Colony K.K. Pudur Road Velandipalayam Coimbatore = 641 025 E-mail: Tel: 0422 – 2402376 For more details of the above TWO JOURNALS, please visit -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Arunachalam Hariharan