REMINDER Dear Professionals, I invite you all for National Library Week Celebrations on 16th November 2006 Karnataka State Library Association (R ) IN COLLABORATION WITH PES Group of Institutions ---------------------- Speake -1: Dr. C.V. Satyaprakasha Principal, PES College of Education Topic: Role of Libraries in Quality Education Speaker -2: Dr. Vishnukant S. Chatpalli Director, Community Development Programmes PES Institute of Technology Topic: Community Development through Libraries Presided by: Prof M.R. Doreswamy Founder Chairman, PES Group Institutions Venue: Tech Park Seminar Hall PESIT,100 Feet Ring Road Bangalore -560085 Time: 3.30 PM Organizer: Mrs. Gayathri Sen, Librarian, PESIT ------------------------- Dr. I.R.N. Goudar President KALA, Office Bearers and EC Members of KALA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. I.R.N. Goudar Tel: 91-80-25086081 Sci F & Head, Information Centre for 91-80-25235315 Aerospace Science and Technology Fax: 91-80-25268072 National Aerospace Laboratories E-mail:goudar@css.nal.res.in Airport Road, BANGALORE-560 017 India http://www.icast.org.in/staff/goudar.html
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