DEAR FRIENDS PLEASE FIND THE REPORT OF THE DLIS-IATLIS ANNUAL LECTURE DELIVRED BY PRO.DAVID KOHL, UNIV OF CINCINNATI ON 29 SEPT 2004 AT OSMANIA UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD LAXMAN RAO --------------------------------------------------- Report on the DLIS-IATLIS Annual Lecture (2004) The 2004 Annual Lecture of the Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS), Osmania University and the Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) was organised on the 29th September 2004 at the New Seminar Hall, University College of Arts and Social Sciences, Osmania University, Hyderabad. The formal function started with welcome remarks by Dr J.Yadagiri Reddy, Head, DLIS. He invited the dignitaries to the dais, welcomed the participants and requested Prof N. Laxman Rao to preside over and conduct the proceedings. The Chief Guest, Dr C.S.Rao (Advisor, Information Technology, Government of Andhra Pradesh) and the Speaker of the Day Dr David Kohl (Dean & University Librarian Emeritus, University of Cincinnati, USA) were offered flower bouquets by the Research Students of the Department. Prof Laxman Rao explained the significance of the Annual Lecture and how it was instituted. Dr S.Sudarshan Rao (Reader, DLIS) introduced Dr C.S.Rao and Dr David Kohl by reading our their career particulars and significant achievements. Dr C.S Rao in his address stressed the importance of Consortia for a developing country like India. He mentioned the proliferation of Engineering Colleges in South India and the need for resource sharing and formation of a consortium of Engineering College Libraries. He suggested that Union Catalogues be developed in machine-readable format for effective sharing of the resources. He was of the opinion that e-serials are necessary for fostering research and development culture in the engineering colleges. He gave an overview of the ambitious Andhra Pradesh Broadband network. Under the plan, 10 GBPS connectivity will be established between Hyderabad and all the district headquarters, 1 GBPS connectivity to all mandal headquarters and 1 MBPS connectivity to each village in the state. Dr Rao mentioned the contribution of the state of Andhra Pradesh to the Universal Digital Library project of the CMU, USA. So far 40,000 books have been digitized in A.P. while the figure for the! whole country stood at 60,000. The audience applauded this achievement. Dr David Kohl in his Power point presentation traced the history of the consortia development in north America. He mentioned the Farmington Plan, PL 480 and the initiatives of ARL and narrated the success stories of OCLC and Ohio-Link. He presented statistics on financial advantages, and the increased utilization of the resources. In spite of the advent of the digital media, paper based resources continue to flood the libraries in America and the issues of compact storage was discussed. Dr Kohl has presented visuals on the way less-used books and journals are stored in the Yale Depository. He also stressed the importance of theses in academic libraries and the work of the National Digital Library of Dissertations at Virginia Tech. He talked about the digitization of rare and special collections and shown some very interesting pictures of the Wright Brothers with their newly fabricated airplane, Mayan temple of birds, Slave pen etc. He concluded his lecture with the message ! teamwork solves problems and consortia are the librarys teams. Dr David Kohl was felicitated as per the Indian tradition with a shawl, flower garland and memento. The function ended with vote of thanks by Dr V.Vishwa Mohan, Reader DLIS. The support of the United States Educational Foundation in India was gratefully acknowledged in organizing this program. The initiatives of Dr Devika Madalli and Dr A.R.D.Prasad of DRTC, Bangalore in getting Dr David Kohl to Hyderabad was specially mentioned and appreciated. USEFI fellows also attended the program. The event, attended by 125 senior library professionals, teachers, and students from the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad ended with high tea. This program was covered by the local TV and vernacular papers. Prof.N.LAXMAN RAO, Dept.of Library & Information Science, Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA) President, Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science (IATLIS). Ph:+91-40-27171565 (res): +91-40- 27682290 (off) 9246547599 (Mobile) e:mail-- naglaxman@yahoo.com OR naglaxman@indiatimes.com --------------------------------- ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! DEAR FRIENDS PLEASE FIND THE REPORT OF THE DLIS-IATLIS ANNUAL LECTURE DELIVRED BY PRO.DAVID KOHL, UNIV OF CINCINNATI ON 29 SEPT 2004 AT OSMANIA UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD LAXMAN RAO --------------------------------------------------- Report on the DLIS-IATLIS Annual Lecture (2004) The 2004 Annual Lecture of the Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS), Osmania University and the Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) was organised on the 29 th September 2004 at the New Seminar Hall, University College of Arts and Social Sciences, Osmania University , Hyderabad . The formal function started with welcome remarks by Dr J.Yadagiri Reddy, Head, DLIS. He invited the dignitaries to the dais, welcomed the participants and requested Prof N. Laxman Rao to preside over and conduct the proceedings. The Chief Guest, Dr C.S.Rao (Advisor, Information Technology, Government of Andhra Pradesh) and the Speaker of the Day Dr David Kohl (Dean & University Librarian Emeritus, University of Cincinnati , USA ) were offered flower bouquets by the Research Students of the Department. Prof Laxman Rao explained the significance of the Annual Lecture and how it was instituted. Dr S.Sudarshan Rao (Reader, DLIS) introdu! ced Dr C.S.Rao and Dr David Kohl by reading our their career particulars and significant achievements. Dr C.S Rao in his address stressed the importance of Consortia for a developing country like India . He mentioned the proliferation of Engineering Colleges in South India and the need for resource sharing and formation of a consortium of Engineering College Libraries. He suggested that Union Catalogues be developed in machine-readable format for effective sharing of the resources. He was of the opinion that e-serials are necessary for fostering research and development culture in the engineering colleges. He gave an overview of the ambitious Andhra Pradesh Broadband network. Under the plan, 10 GBPS connectivity will be established between Hyderabad and all the district headquarters, 1 GBPS connectivity to all mandal headquarters and 1 MBPS connectivity to each village in the state. Dr Rao mentioned the contribution of the state of Andhra Pradesh to the Universal Digital Library project of the CMU, USA . So far 40,000 books have been digitized in A.P. while the figure for the whole country stood at 60,000. The audience applauded this achievement. Dr David Kohl in his Power point presentation traced the history of the consortia development in north America . He mentioned the Farmington Plan, PL 480 and the initiatives of ARL and narrated the success stories of OCLC and Ohio-Link. He presented statistics on financial advantages, and the increased utilization of the resources. In spite of the advent of the digital media, paper based resources continue to flood the libraries in America and the issues of compact storage was discussed. Dr Kohl has presented visuals on the way less-used books and journals are stored in the Yale Depository. He also stressed the importance of theses in academic libraries and the work of the Nati! onal Digital Library of Dissertations at Virginia Tech. He talked about the digitization of rare and special collections and shown some very interesting pictures of the Wright Brothers with their newly fabricated airplane, Mayan temple of birds, Slave pen etc. He concluded his lecture with the message teamwork solves problems and consortia are the librarys teams. Dr David Kohl was felicitated as per the Indian tradition with a shawl, flower garland and memento. The function ended with vote of thanks by Dr V.Vishwa Mohan, Reader DLIS. The support of the United States Educational Foundation in India was gratefully acknowledged in organizing this program. The initiatives of Dr Devika Madalli and Dr A.R.D.Prasad of DRTC, Bangalore in getting Dr David Kohl to Hyderabad was specially mentioned and appreciated. USEFI fellows also attended the program. The event, attended by 125 senior library professionals, teachers, and students from the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad ended with high tea. This program was covered by the local TV and vernacular papers. Prof.N.LAXMAN RAO, Dept.of Library & Information Science, Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA) President, Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science (IATLIS). Ph:+91-40-27171565 (res): +91-40- 27682290 (off) 9246547599 (Mobile) e:mail-- naglaxman@yahoo.com OR naglaxman@indiatimes.com http://uk.rd.yahoo.com/evt=21626/*http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!
participants (1)
Prof. N. Laxman Rao.