Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2013 22:09:40 +0530
From: icoascr2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is with great pleasure to inform you that the Dept. of Library and
Information Science, Bangalore University Bangalore is being organizing an
International Conference on �Open Access � Scholarly Communication
Reincarnated: A futuristic approach� during 19-20 August 2013 at Bangalore
University, Bangalore in Association with Korea Institute of Science and
Technology Information, (KISTI), Korea and Indian Library Association
(ILA), Delhi. The primary objective of this conference is to bring together
Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals from different parts of
India and abroad to deliberate on changing dimensions of Scholarly
Communication with the incidence of Open Access Initiative and its impact
and to study the supporting role played by the ICT on Open Access to
promote the use of scientific literature. This conference provides an
opportunity to explore the means of international collaboration in the
areas of Open Access and to initiate academic and research programmes in
collaborations with different LIS schools and information centres.
I look forward to receive your paper for the benefits of the delegates and
your valuable suggestions will be highly appreciated. For more details and
please visit our conference website : and also
Registration is opened for the same. I request all of you to take part in
the event and join your hands to make success of it
Thank you,
With high regards,
With high regards,
Dr. Ramesha
Organising Secretary