Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 11:03:35 +0530
From: Raghavendra pawar
Gulbarga varsity to herald e-learning culture
The Virtual Learning Resource Centre and Digital Library established by the
Gulbarga University (GU) with the support of the Infosys Foundation has
become a cynosure in the corridors of higher educational institutions.
The potential of the centre has been acknowledged by several institutions
with the Centre imparting training to those involved with the initiative.
The latest in the series is the decision of the State government to train
all the government and government-aided private degree college librarians
through the VLRC and Digital Library to upgrade the Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) skills of the librarians.
Gulbarga University librarian and Programme Coordinator Dr R B Gaddagimath,
who was the brain behind the virtual learning devices in the university,
said that it was a great honour for the Gulbarga University to play a
pioneering role in heralding the e-leaning culture in the colleges all over
the State. Gaddagimath, who is on the Karnataka Knowledge Commission
Sub-Committee on e-learning, said about 400 government and aided private
colleges will be benefited by the ambitious training being imparted for the
first time in the State.
The training programme for college librarians on ICTs and Information
Universe will be held from November 9 to January 10, 2010. The State
government has sanctioned Rs 2,100 per person towards the expenses of the
Source: DECCAN HERALD, Friday 6 November 2009
Best Regards,
Raghavendra R