Dear All, With a deep senseof sorrow, I inform you about the passing away of Mr. J. Harishankar (age 65years), formerly Professional Assistant, Ramesh Mohan Library, English andForeign Languages University, Hyderabad, Telangana State, last Sunday, July 5, 2020due to cardiac arrest. He retired from EFLU in 2015 after serving it for overthree and half decades. With thesudden departure of Harishankar, I lost a dear friend, an association of morethan four decades. He provided selflessly to me great support and invaluablecounsel, both professionally and personally. In recent years, I promised tomeet him several times but could not keep my word. His sudden exit is so shocking. I have neverfound him get angry or annoyed. A pleasant personality to work with, he spread cheerfulnessand peace all around. He always advocated restraint whenever there wereconflicts and believed in joining hearts. True to library spirit, he wasneutral to the core and did not belong to any group. He was loved by one andall. He was very much concerned about the future of youngsters he wasassociated with on the EFLU campus and helped many of them settle in theirlife. He used to say several times: “I have to put these boys in some job. Ihave to request the Professors I know. They will definitely help.” He was afather figure and guiding light to several youngsters. They used to rush to himin the library whenever they faced any problem and he invariably used toprovide the necessary relief. Harishankar was very much concerned about the educationand health of his children and struggled very hard in bringing them up. Afterjoining in service, he improved his educational qualifications in LIS. I can neverforget the love shown by him towards me and all members of our library family. Heinvited us innumerable times to his home and offered tasty food cooked by hisdevoted wife. He used to take us to marriage feasts of his family/relatives andpersonally saw to it that we had the best food in an exclusive setting. Qualitieswhich endeared me to Harishankar were his empathy, helpfulness, courtesy and cheerfulness.He did not implement the library rules mechanically and heartlessly. It was ajoy to see the reader services provided by him in the Ramesh Mohan Library. Afew research scholars used to visit the library without proper recommendationletter from their research supervisor. He never turned them away and was alwayshelpful and used to ensure that they received the documents there were lookingfor—helping in locating documents, photocopying, etc. His admirers were notlimited to the faculty, students and non-teaching staff of EFLU but severalscholars belonging to various universities from all parts of India. He becameso popular that the word spread: “If Harishankar is at the issue counter in thelibrary, you need not worry. You will get the documents you want.” He played avital role in building up the image of the Ramesh Mohan Library. For severalyears, he actively participated in timely production of documentation bulletinsin English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, which were highlyappreciated by the faculty and research scholars. Last Saturdaymorning, Dr. Murugesan, who did PhD from EFLU, rang me up from Thiruchirapallyto alert me about the Guru Pournima celebrations of Sri Ramanasramam. Oneinvariable question he asks whenever he calls me was: “How is Harishankar, Sir?”.Dr. Murugesan is just one of the countless scholars whom Harishankar served withtotal dedication selflessly and great passion. In a recent phone call, Dr.Murugesan mentioned with a great sense of gratitude how he can never forget thehelp provided by Harishankar at the time of submission of his doctoral thesis. I offer myheartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved family and pray to God togive them strength to bear with this irreparable loss. TV Prafulla Chandra Professional Assistant (retired), EFLU 93461 66455
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