Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 16:27:06 +0530 (IST)
From: Dr. Nabi Hasan
Dear colleagues
As you may be aware that the DURATION of the couse is 4 week for Sr. Scale
and promotion to the post of Deputy Librarian. Unfortunately, the UGC
ASC's organize only 3 week duration couses. The interpretation at our end
for promotion is 28 days for 4 week courses and because of this the
promotions to the Assistant Librarians are being denied. If anybody has
got the clarification in this regards, then please send the same through
mail attachment.
Best regards,
Dr. Nabi Hasan
Assistant Librarian cum Library System Administrator
University Library, CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University
Palampur (H.P.)- 176 062 (India)
Phone: +91-1894-283184 (Direct), +91-1894-230361 (O)
Cell- +91-9418493990, +91-1894-234571 (R)