Dear All, Good afternoon.Can anybody from our profession send the fulltext of the below mentioned articles as those are urgently required by one of our research scholar. 1.Rapeseed meal and egg taint: Association with sinapine British Poultry Science Volume 18, Issue 5, 1977 Special Issue A. Hobson‐Frohocka, G. R. Fenwicka, R. K. Heaneya, D. G. Landa & R. F. Curtisa pages 539-541 Available online: 08 Nov 2007 2.Problems which limit the use of rapeseed meal as a protein source in poultry diets Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 33, Issue 9, pages 866–875, September 1982 Edward J. Butler1, Arthur W. Pearson1, G. Roger Fenwick2 3.Egg taints: association with trimethylamine, Nature 243 (1973) 304–305. A. Hobson-Frohock, D.G. Land, N.M. Griffiths, R.F. Curtis, 4.Trimethylamine taint in eggs: the occurrence of the causative metabolic defect in commercial hybrids and pure breeds in relation to shell colour, J. Sci. Food Agric. 35 (1984) 272–278. 5. The hen’s egg: genetics of taints in eggs from hens fed on rapeseed meal, Br. Poult. Sci. 17 (1976) 313– 320. W. Bolton, T.C. Carter, R. Morley Jones, regards *Monisha Mishra* *Librarian Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar Orissa* -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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monisha mishra