Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2011 10:57:38 +0530 (IST)
From: Praveen Vaidya
Dear Sir,
It was great effort by you and your colleagues at Mysore University. I
went through the Library catalogue and amazed by the features. It is very
inspiring work that you carried out at practical level and the mail was
very appropriate and elaborate.
Thanks and regards,
Praveen Vaidya
Tolani Maritime Institute,
(Off campus of BITS, Pilani)
Induri, Talegon Dabhade,
Pune-410 507
Tel: 02114-242081/242082 (off) 02114-242354(Res)
----- Original Message ----
From: Mailing List Admin
Sent: Thu, 4 August, 2011 4:36:10 PM
Subject: [LIS-Forum] KOHA-UoM Experience-Universal Suitability-Discussion
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 10:48:47 +0200
From: Ishwar Goudar
Dear Professionals,
*I invite experiences, comments and opinions of professionals in the matter
concerned to the selection of and migration to suitable Library Management
System (LMS) for different kind of libraries taking into account of all
factors like size and type of libraries, service after sale, cost factor,
customization, availability of community for development in case of Open
Source S/W, stability in the market, world wide popularity, compliance to
international standards, cost, etc.* This discussion should help
professionals for selecting suitable LMS and also for migrating from one
ILMS to other if required. I have given below a detailed account of the
entire process we did while adopting new LMS and implementing it.