A New Way of Promoting Librarianship among the Unemployed Youth

Respected forum members, Kindly consul the following information and if possible kindly replicate the idea in your own state / city to promote the Librarianship among the Unemployed youth. 1. About Vacancy in Assam Website: Vacancy in Assam (http://www.vacancyinassam.com) is a website that provides job notification to the unemployed youth of Assam. The website is designed to show-cause the potential of Library and Information Science professionals in providing quality contents to the users and helping them in their search for the required job. 2. How the Website is Managed: The Vacancy in Assam (http://www.vacancyinassam.com) website is designed by a Library and Information Science professionals from Assam. The developer of the website invites other 30 nos. of Library and Information Science professionals to volunteers themselves to help the user by way of publishing relevant and important job notification in the website. The LIS professionals who show their willingness are trained to post job vacancy in the website. Later on, each volunteer were asked to go through all the popular newspapers published from Assam on a pre-assigned date and published the relevant job advertisement over the website. They are expected to spend at least two hours of their time in a month for the website. 3. Features of the Website: The website has in general the following features a) Search Options: Any vacancy posted over the website can be searched by inputting any text part of the job advertisement in the search box located just below the header of the website. b) Email Subscription Option: People who have the Email id can subscribe to the updates from the Vacancy in Assam website by way of Email alert by going through the web link: https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=VacancyInAssam c) Google Plus Page: People can follow the Vacancy in Assam website through Google Plus page: https://plus.google.com/100163762118485582563 d) Facebook Page: Interested job seekers can also follow the Vacancy in Assam website by Liking its Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/VacancyInAssam e) Twitter Profile: People can also follow the Vacancy in Assam Website by following its Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/VacancyInAssam f) Displaying Advertisement in Other Website: People who are interested to display job vacancies from Assam need to put the following code in their website. This code will display the scrolling page located at the left hand side bar of Vacancy in Assam (http://www.vacancyinassam.com) website in their own website. The code for the same is: <marquee direction="up" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();" loop="true" onmouseout="this.setAttribute('scrollamount', 2, 0);" onmouseover="this.setAttribute('scrollamount', 0, 0);" scrollamount="2"><br /><script src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/VacancyInAssam?format=sigpro" type="text/javascript"></script></marquee><style> div #creditfooter{ display: none; } </style> 4. Benefit for the Library and Information Science Professionals: The Library and Information Science professionals should not be restricted to themselves. The Vacancy in Assam (http://www.vacancyinassam.com) website gives an opportunity to the Library and Information Science professionals in Assam to reach to the unemployed or under-employed youth of Assam. By providing the Vacancy related information the website is trying to get the attention of a small section of people from Assam and it is very much successful in this regard. We are sure, if LIS professionals from other states will replicate the project in their own state, it will be very much useful for all the LIS fraternity. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file and it is available at: https://goo.gl/ja1Kbo -- Badan Barman, Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, Assam, India. Website: http://www.badanbarman.in Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+BadanBarman Twitter: https://twitter.com/badanbarman Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/badanbarman?v=wall&ref=ts -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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Badan Barman