NDL workshop on Dspace at IIT(ISM), Dhanbad during 24-25 November, 2017

Dear LIS Professionals,
Greetings from IIT(ISM), Dhanabad* !!!*
The Central Library of Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad in
collaboration with *National Digital Library* (an NME-ICT Project of IIT
Kharagpur) is organizing a 2-day* Workshop on Institutional Digital
Repository (IDR) during 24-25 November, 2017 *at Indian Institute of
Technology (ISM) Dhanbad
*There is no registration fee for participation in this workshop.* *The
seats are limited and participation is based on First cum first serve basis
from priority*. *The local hospitality (Fooding / Lodging) will be provided
by Indian institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad.* Only TA / DA of the
participants will have to be borne by the participating institution. All
the Higher education Institution's working LIS professionals viz.
Universities / Technical Institutions / Research Institutions (preferably
state/Central Govt. Institutions) those are willing to developed an
Institutional repository may send the name and details of the persons who
are interested to attending the workshop to* Dr. Partha De, Librarian ,
Central Library*, *Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad* on his
e-mail ID: librarian@iitism.ac.in on or *before 15th November, 2017.*
*Dr. Partha De Librarian Central Library*
*Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad*
*Dhanbad-826004 (Jharkhand) *Phone: 0326-2296516 (O) / 2235642 (O) /
2235742 (R)
Mobile: 9431122909
With best regards,
Satish Kumar
Assistant Librarian
IIT (ISM), Dhanbad-826004(Jharkhand)
Phone-0326-2335600 (O) / 2335700 (R)
Mobile- 7033590914 / 8476089657
E-mail: sklisc@gmail.com
participants (1)
Satish Kumar