Dear All LIS Professionals I get updates from OCLC on my mailbox, and the REALM Report is the second in the series on Reopening Archives Library and Museum Services (from Institute of Museum andLibrary Services - IMLS) have collaborated with OCLS and Battelle, conducting continuous survey and studies. Here is the Second Report of REALM with links to get complete text. See what OCLC is doing on this account? Why we are sedate? Why Libraries are becoming visible there? These are the kinds of advocacy attempts from LIS Professionals there. We have not heard any thing from ILA or INFLIBNET in this regard, excepting that we are embellish more and more on ICT arena. I am reproducing the text of the mail I have received. REALM Project update:Second round of testing begins Test set 2 announced, compilation ofreopening references released Five items have been selected for Round2 of Battelle lab testing to examine the length of time the COVID-19 virus maylive on the surface of these porous materials. Testing began June 23, 2020,using materials provided by Columbus Metropolitan Library, the NationalArchives and Records Administration, and the National Library Service for theBlind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress. The results from test set2 are expected to be released in late July 2020. Also new to the REALM website this weekis compilation of select reopening plans from public libraries that can behelpful reference examples. This section will be updated and expanded toinclude other institutional types as the project progresses. For more information on these and otherproject activities, visit the “Happening Now” project update pageat https://www.webjunction.org/news/webjunction/realm-happening-now.html.For more on the scope, timeline, and committees involved with #REALMproject,visit https://oc.lc/realm-project. To sign up to receive timely REALMProject updates, visit https://www.oclc.org/content/oclc-forms/en_us/realm-updates.html Prof. A.Y.AsundiProfessor and Chairman (Ret)Dept. Library and Information Science,Officer in Charge, IT Centre,Bangalore University, BangaloreCell: 9980815468
participants (1)
Ashok Asundi