Dear Moderator, Kindly make an announcement of the following on your forum. National Conference on MODERN LIBRARIANSHIP Opportunities and Challenges 8-9 June, 2018 Organised by The Resource Centre, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai and Bombay Science Librarians' Association, Mumbai We are pleased to announce the National Conference on Modern Librarianship: Opportunities and Challenges, jointly organised by the Resource Centre, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai and Bombay Science Librarians’ Association, Mumbai during June 8-9, 2018. The conference would definitely help libraries to stay in tune with rapid changes occurring due to the introduction of emerging innovations, trends and technologies and prepare themselves for excellence to serve the users. CALL FOR PAPERS: Papers on the theme and sub themes may be submitted for presentation at the conference. The contributors can include any other topic falling under the broad gamut of the main theme of conference. Case studies will also be accepted. Paper Submission: Only the accepted papers from authors who register for this conference will be included in the Conference Proceedings. ● Authors can submit their full papers through an e-mail attachment to headresourcecentre.mumbai@nift.ac.in ● The paper should not exceed 3000 words and it should contain an abstract of 100-200 words. ● The main title should be followed by name, affiliation and address of the author(s) with e-mail and contact nos. ● The paper should be in MS-word format, font: Times New Roman, size: 12, space 1.5 lines, paper size: A4, keyword: 2-5 words, paper length: 3-8 pages. ● All references should be presented according to the Chicago Manual Style The format and the references of the paper should be as per the NCML-2018 Paper Template available on the following conference website. IMPORTANT DATES: ● Last date for submission of full papers: 31.03.2018 ● Acceptance of full paper for presentation: 30.04.2018 ● Last date for Registration: 31.05.2018 PLEASE VISIT THE CONFERENCE WEBSITE AT https://bosla2013.wixsite.com/ncml2018 FOR MORE DETAILS. Dr. A. N. Bandi Organizing Secretary, NCML-2018Head, Resource Centre National Institute of Fashion Technology NIFT Campus, Plot No.15, Sector-4 Kharghar, NAVI MUMBAI – 410210 Phone : 022-27747285 Mobile: 77158 33561 E-Mail : headresourcecentre.mumbai@nift.ac.in Dr.A.N.Bandi, Head, Resource Centre, National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Campus, Ministry of Textiles, GoI, Plot No.15, Sector 4, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai - 410 210. Ph.91-22-27747080/81 Mobile :7715833561 e-mail: anb321in@yahoo.co.in ; dr.anbandi@gmail.comhttp://
participants (1)
anand bandi