Weeding out of selective print collection from CSIR-IICB Library holdings

Dear Colleagues, This is to inform all concerned that the Knowledge Resource Centre, CSIR-IICB (Library & Documentation Division) is in the process of weeding out selective print journals (loose issues & bound volumes) collection from its holdings and the same may be viewed at http://www.iicb.res.in/Weeding%20%20Out%20Of%20Library%20Document.pdf If any library is interested in adopting the same in their collection may please communicate the undersigned earliest possible. Thanks and regards, N C Ghosh -----------------------------------------------------------Narayan C Ghosh, MLISc, PGDLAN,PhD, FSISLibrarian CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 4, Raja Subodh Mullick Road, Kolkata - 700032 Phone: (033) 24995713/2473-3491/3493, Extn.713/769 Mobile: 09432248877 E-mail:ncghosh@iicb.res.in;librarian@iicb.res.in Web: www.iicb.res.in/library.html
participants (1)
narayan ghosh