Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 05:40:08 +0100 (BST)
From: "[iso-8859-1] Prof. N. Laxman Rao."
OCLC Interlibrary Loan migration update
During the next year, OCLC will launch a new resource sharing system based
on the FirstSearch interface. The new interface will, by July 2005,
replace the OCLC Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Web interface, the OCLC ILL Micro
Enhancer and Passport for ILL. Most of the borrowing and lending
functionality available through ILL Web was added to the FirstSearch
system in June 2004. Remaining borrowing and lending functionality will be
added in August 2004, with the addition of custom holdings functionality.
Subscribe to OCLC-SHARING-L to receive all migration updates as well as
other OCLC resource sharing news.
Dept.of Library & Information Science,
Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA)
President, Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science (IATLIS).
Ph:+91-40-27171565 (res): +91-40- 27682290 (off) 9246547599 (Mobile)
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