Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:23:15 +0530
From: T. Shahab
Dear Memberss,
Through the popular LIS-Forum for exchanging professional ideas, I wish to
engage the valuable attention of the practicing librarians to the ever
increasing problem of breach in librarians' domain by faculty members in
light of the shrinking role of librarians in determining the policy and
procedures involving many of the library activities, particularly the
collection development through BOOK SELECTION. In some libraries that I
know, the Acquisition Dept. has been turned into just like a clearance
house; the librarian is not consulted on matters of Book selection; even
the budgeted amount under the Central library has to be used on the
authorization of the Vice-chancellor or one of his/ her nominees. Book
suppliers will directly contact the faculty members get the books
recommended and pass-on the recommended lists to the Acquisition Dept. for
necessary followups. Some times, two or more departments may recommend the
same title, and the librarian being unaware of the reason, has only to
meekly put his/her signature. Even in matters of acquiring multiple copies
of the already purchased books (on students' demand), the hands of a
librarian is bound. A Librarian being in close touch with the students is
always approached by them with their requests on different library related
matters, but the librarian is most of the cases is unable to make any firm
committment for a facility or extension of services to the students. This
change in power dynamics in Universities is making the job of a librarian
a very unsavoury one; most librarians are feeling dejected and
professionally emasculated. Please, take the above write-up as a point of
discussion. Feel free to express your considered opinion on this matter of
great importance.
Regards. Dr. T. SHAHAB