Greetings! The European Library (TEL) is a very interesting project I found today while surfing. It has a federated search engine to search 43 European national library catalogues for a whopping 11 million records! The search results are also very well presented and quite fast. Source: http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org/portal/index.htm Regards, Saiful Some details from their website: WHAT IS THE EUROPEAN LIBRARY? The European Library webservice is a portal which offers access to the combined resources (books, magazines, journals.... - both digital and non-digital) of the 43 national libraries of Europe. It offers free searching and delivers digital objects - some free, some priced. The Vision of the European Library is: Provision of equal access to promote world-wide understanding of the richness and diversity of European learning and culture. The Mission of the European Library is: The European Library exists to open up the universe of knowledge, information and cultures of all Europe's national libraries. WHO IS THE EUROPEAN LIBRARY FOR? The European Library service is aimed at informed citizens world-wide (both professional and non-professional) who want a powerful and simple way of finding library materials. Moreover, it is expected to attract researchers as there is a vast virtual collection of material from all disciplines. It offers anyone with an interest a simple route to access European cultural resources. WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT THE EUROPEAN LIBRARY? *It brings together disparate collections on your desktop and will allow for cross-collection searching *It presents integrated results and will deliver digital objects *It enables types of collection-level searching which would otherwise be impossible *It is a major contribution to research both in making resources widely available and by making possible new connections through exploitation of a huge virtual library collection. *The European Library encourages new research! -- Saiful Amin Information Specialist Edutech India 8 Khader Nawaz Khan Road Chennai 600006, India Tel: +91 44 2833 0999 GSM: +91 98407 76214 Fax: +91 44 2833 1777 www.edutechindia.com "Enhancing knowledge and skills for success, lifelong."
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Saiful Amin