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Dear Moderator Sorry for the cross posting. Please arrange to post this message in our Professional Forum Dear Sir/Madam, I am very happy to bring it to your kind notice that, Kuvem[pu University College Librarians Association, Shimoga in association with Karnataka State College Librarians association, Bangalore is going to organize two day “National Conference on Collection Management in Changing Context: Problems and Prospects” on 19th and 20th August 2011. This Seminar will enrich our professional knowledge & benefit for professional activities with respective libraries. Hence I request you all please attend the same and make the event a grand success. We look forward from your participation on 19th and 20th August 2011. · Paper Submission Date Extended to : 15th July 2011 ISBN Number (978-81-921937-0-0) Call for Papers: Programme committee solicits high quality research papers, case studies, technical updates, etc. related the theme and sub theme of the conference. Main theme: Collection Management in Changing Context: Problems and Prospects Sub-Themes: Information needs and expectations of the users Collection management and access management Content development and management Knowledge organization Information handling: tools and techniques Resource sharing, networking and consortia Human Resource Management Manpower Development and continuing education Electronic resources and services Copy Right Issues Change management Weeding out of books: policies and procedures Guidelines for submission of the paper: Papers, composed preferably in MS-Word or compatible format can be submitted through e-mail attachment file. The length of the paper should not be more than 5000 words. The references in the paper should be cited according to the guidelines based on the APA style manual. The paper should neither be published anywhere nor should have been kept under consideration for publication elsewhere. A passport size photograph(s) of author(s) is required to be submitted with the paper either in print or in digital format. The authors of the accepted papers need to be transfer the copyright to the conference organizers for publishing the paper into the conference proceedings. Submit only original research papers and win Best paper award: The papers will be accepted based on their originality and relevance to the topic of the conference. The accepted papers will be tested with the anti-plagiarism software and plagiared papers will be rejected and the details of their plagiarism will be posted on the LIS discussion forums. Best paper of the conference will be awarded with Rs.10, 000 prizes. Note: Paper accepted for presentation on the theme of the conference will be included in conference proceedings with ISBN Number (978-81-921937-0-0) only on receiving non- refundable registration fee. Send your soft copy of the paper to Registration fees: For Delegates: · With Accommodation: Rs. 1500 · Without Accommodation: Rs. 1200 For Students: · With Accommodation: Rs. 1000 · Without Accommodation: Rs. 800 DD’s may be drawn in favour of Organizing Secretary, “NCCM2011”, payable at Shimogga and the same should be sent to the organizing Secretary before 15th July 2011. Important Dates: · Submission of Full Papers: 15th July 2011 Dr.B U Kannappanavar Selection Grade Librarian, Sahyadri College Library, B H Road, Shimoga-577203 Karnataka, India. Cell: +91 9480329897 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
basavaraj kannappanavar