BOSLA-MMRDA Lecture Series on "Next Generation Librarianship: The Way Forward........."
The Bombay Science Librarians' Association popularly known as BOSLA in collaboration with Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development (MMRDA) has decided to organize a day Lecture Series on the theme "Next Generation Librarianship: The Way Forward........." scheduled to be held on 8th December, 2018 at MMRDA premises, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai. The experts have been so chosen to touch upon the trending issues in the field of LIS to benefit the participants. LIS professionals are here by informed to register themselves to drive the benifit from the event. For programme details, may visit the link below: Dr.A.N.Bandi,Chairman-BOSLA and Head, Resource Centre,National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Campus, Ministry of Textiles, GoI, Plot No.15, Sector 4, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai - 410 210. Ph.91-22-27747080/81 Mobile :7715833561 e-mail: ; dr.anbandi@gmail.comhttp://
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anand bandi