Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2008 10:18:47 -0000
From: parveenbabbar
Special Libraries Association- Asian Chapter
SLA (Special Library Association, USA) - Asian Chapter 2008 in association
with Society for Library Professionals and Indian Association of Special
Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC) is organizing an "International
conference of Asian Special Libraries on Shaping the future of special
libraries: beyond boundaries" to be held at India Islamic Cultural Centre,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India from 26-28 November 2008.
Some of the objectives of the Conference are to bring together special
library professionals to a common platform, to promote special libraries,
and facilitate the exchange of ideas and help to bridge the knowledge gap
amongst the professionals associated with special libraries and to develop
the professional competent. This seminar is expected to attract more than
1000 participants from India, Asia and the globe. You are invited to
attend the same. For details please visit:
Submission of Papers
Participants are welcome to contribute papers for presentation on the
above themes and related themes. The Papers should be based on
research surveys; case studies or action plans rather than
theoretical explanations and should not publish earlier. Papers
should be sent to
Dates to Remember
Last Date for Submission of Abstract/ Proposal - July 15, 2008
Last Date for Submission of Final Papers - September 15, 2008
Early Bird Registration - September 30, 2008
Last Date for Registration - November 15, 2008
For further information, please contact to:
P.K.Jain, Organising Secretary, ICoASL 2008. C/o. Institute of
Economic Growth, University of Delhi Enclave, DELHI- 110007. India
Ph. 91-11-27667463; 27666364; 27666367. Fax: 91-11-27667463; 91-11-
27667410. Cell: 09899110787 Email: ;
Parveen Babbar
Member, SLA & Webmaster, SLA Asian Chapter,
Treasurer, ICoASL 2008
Assistant Librarian,
New Delhi-110068