Two day Training cum Workshop on “Koha”, 7-8 March 2013, Kochi, Kerala

Dear All, Kerala Library Association, Ernakulam Region and Rajagiri School of Library and Information Science, Kochi are jointly organizing a Two Day Training cum Workshop on “Koha”, the Open Source Library Management Software, during March 7-8 at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery, Kochi -683104. Who can participate? Workshop is intended for Library and Information Science Professionals, Researchers and LIS students. Registration is limited to 40 participants on first come first served basis. Registration Fee: Individuals : Rs 1500 Sponsored candidates : Rs 2500/- Students : Rs 500/- (5 seats on first come first served based on the production of a recommendation letter from the Head of the Department) Registration fees shall be paid in the form of Demand Draft favouring Secretary, Kerala Library Association Ernakulam Region payable at SBT Thrikkakara Kochi -22. Online Registration is available at: Fee includes workshop kit, working lunch and refreshments. Last date for registration is 04/03/2013. No spot registration will be available. DD along with the registration form should be sent to the following address: Organising Secretary Sri. Manuel P J, Assistant Librarian & President, KLA Ernakulam Region School of Marine Sciences, Lakeside campus, CUSAT, Kochi -16 Mob: 9496276307 Accommodation: Accommodation and dinner will be provided on prior request to participants at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences on payment basis. For more details contact: Convener Dr. (Mrs.) M. D. Baby Professor and Head, School of Library and Information Science, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences Kalamassery, Kochi -683104: Mobile:9995406159 For more details and online registration, visit **************************************************** Posted for Shri P.J.Manuael, President, KLA Ernakulam Region by Shri S.L.Faisal, General Secretary, Kerala Library Association (KLA). http://slfaisal.comDear All -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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