Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 17:41:46 +0530
From: Anita Pujari
Dear professional colleagues,
I have been following with interest the exchange of opinions on
Corporate Librarianship - the status, the training needs etc. In my
opinion the problems that LIS professionals face in the Corporate Sector
is that of being little understood. Atanu Garai has elucidated with
examples the poor understanding of HR/Corporate recruiters of the
professional/academic requirements to handle the role of Information
Management or Knowledge Management. At best they would think of a LIS
professional for a "Library" with a view of a physical collection
- typically Books, Magazines, Newspapers or Multimedia such as CDs,
DVDs, Tapes and so on as per the business the company engages in.
Basically Storehouse/Collection management. However it is not always so
- there are many exceptions. I have been lucky to have worked in both
kinds of Corporate Libraries. My experience of the past 14 years with
Media Libraries has been particularly challenging. Fighting mindsets &
managing perceptions plays a big part. We as LIS professionals have to
work on marketing ourselves and creating our role and place in the
As you all know Knowledge Management is the big buzz word in the
Corporate sector now. At the recently held CII KM India 2008 Knowledge
Summit in Mumbai there were about 150 delegates from a spectrum of
companies. Amongst all those knowledge practitioners barely 6-7 of us
were from the LIS profession. Every other profession, with IT & MBAs in
the lead have staked claim to playing the Knowledge Manager role in
almost all companies be it Infosys, WIPRO, Satyam, Reliance, MindTree,
Eureka Forbes, Airtel� long list. ILFS, Mumbai is an exception I know of
and there maybe(hopefully) a couple more. But we are hopelessly
outnumbered in this upcoming profession and Job role that we as LIS
professionals can so easily play.
Anita Pujari
General Manager
DNA - Research, Archives & Syndication
Diligent Media Corporation Ltd.
Oasis Complex, Kamala Mills Compound,
Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013
Phone: +91 22 39888888 Extn 451
Fax: +91 22 39801000
----Original Message----------
From: Mailing List Admin
Subject: Re: [LIS-Forum] Training for corporate librarianship
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 10:53 AM
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 20:17:49 +0530
From: atanu garai
Dear Professors,
I am very glad to interact with you all again, as I always look for
opportunities to ask questions to teachers. Let me be very honest here.
will of course agree to what is said regarding the imminent need for
improving the quality of intake and output of LIS incumbents. There is
doubt about it. But, this is just one side of the