Dr R Guruprasad, CSIR-NAL Awarded with Prestigious GESA Fellowship 2019

15 Nov
15 Nov
7:31 a.m.
*Dr. R. Guruprasad, MLIS, M.Sc(IT) and Ph.D. (LIS), Centre for Civil Aircraft Design and Development, (C-CADD), CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories, has been awarded with the prestigious Fellowship of Glocal Environment and Social Association (GESA), New Delhi. *
*This national recognition has been bestowed on him for his outstanding contributions to Aerospace Engineering. Dr. Guruprasad is an Alumni of the University of Mysore, Department of Studies in Library and Information Science. *
*He will be receiving the award on 22/12/2019 at the International Conference on "Environment and Society (ICES 2019)" **at Harcourt Butler Technical*
*University (HBTU) Kanpur (India). *
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Ramachandran Guruprasad