Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 16:03:14 +0100 (WETS)
From: "Sangeeta Kaul, Network Manager, DELNET"
Seventh National Convention on Library
and Information Networking
Quality Information in the Internet Era
November 23-26, 2004
University of Pune, Pune
Jointly Organised by
Developing Library Network Jayakar Library
40, Max Mueller Marg Dept. of Lib. & Inf. Sc.
Lodhi Estate University of Pune
New Delhi-110003 Pune - 411007
E-mail : E-mail:
Web : Web:
Quality Information in the Internet Era
The major concern today for libraries is that the users, including the
students and teachers, have begun to use Web resources for everything.
They gain access to a large number of resources without understanding that
most of the content on the Web is not peer-reviewed. But there is variety
on the Web, they can easily download the content, shape it and finally use
it. These Web resources are mostly self-published and subjective in
nature. The users do not have the patience to do extensive research in
to get an objective view on a given issue. As the number of hits on a
given subject on the Web are generally very large in number, the users
cannot go through all of them. The users, thus, access a few hits,
collect some information and use it. As a result, the use of the
traditional libraries has begun to decline in certain subject areas and if
remedial measures are not taken it will be difficult for the users to get
access to quality information. This trend, on one hand, is reducing the
capacities of researchers for research and on the other, affecting the
role of libraries as the centres of knowledge. The libraries need to grow
as Knowledge Centres and use methods that evolve high quality information
in their given fields. The Librarians and Infor mation Officers will have
to develop critical assessment skills and have to gain access to virtual
and printed collections through networks, search engines, subject guides,
directories, meta-indexes, and through other resources on the Web.
Evaluation of Internet resources in each discipline is going to be a
specialised job in future. It will include the defining of selection
criteria including the organisation of selected material and a host of
technical methodologies that will enable the users to have a ccess to
quality information. The Librarians and Information Officers need to
monitor regularly the growth of Information Technology tools and
techniques. It is with this concern that the National Convention on
Library and Information Networking (NACLIN
2004) being organised by DELNET in collaboration with the University of
Pune is going to discuss various issues on the subject.
DELNET-Developing Library Network
DELNET, a major resource-sharing library network in South Asia covers a
wide spectrum of member-libraries and their resources. DELNET is committed
to pool the information about resources scattered in the libraries in the
country and consolidate informatio n through union catalogues, union lists
and other databases. This is being done to satisfy the major information
requirements of students, researchers, scholars and the public in the
country. DELNET services also support the research activities in India a s
we regularly supply suitable content and information materials to
libraries and their users. DELNET has now more that 750 member
institutions in India and outside India. The DELNET database resources
have now reached around four million records. The DEL NET services have
become more popular in the country especially with the effective
Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services which are provided to
libraries across the country and also to the member-libraries outside the
The University of Pune, the leading university in India was established as
a result of long and sustained demand for a separate university in
Maharashtra. The university made a humble beginning in 1949 with 8
postgraduate centres with 180 students and 23 affiliated colleges with
8,000 undergraduate students. It has now more than 44 postgraduate
departments, 334 affiliated colleges and 157 recognised institutions
having 25,000 post-graduate and 1,60,000 undergraduate students. Located
on a spacious 411- acre campus with a majestic Gothic main building
surrounded by magnificent trees and refreshing greenery, the University of
Pune has developed into a main seat of higher learning in the city of
Pune. The University of Pune has been instrumental in the rapid spread of
education in rural areas and among the weaker sections of the society.
The presence of the institutions of national importance including the
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Inter University
Centre for Astronomy and As trophysics (IUCAA), Education Media Research
Centre (EMRC), Bioinformatics Centre and UGC Regional Centre has been made
this campus a place of vigorous academic pursuits and intense intellectual
activities. The University of Pune has been awarded a Five Star by NAAC
and under potential for excellence scheme of the UGC, University of Pune
made excellent progress.
Jayakar Library
The University Library named after Dr. Mukund Ramrao Jayakar, the first
Vice-Chancellor of Pune University started in 1950 with books donated by
Dr. Jayakar himself. Located in a spacious building (with 44,000 sq.ft.
area) with a huge reading hall it is very close to the main building of
the university. The Jayakar Library is rich in its collection and
services. It has a collection of over 4,24,000 volumes covering all types
of reading materials. The rare books and manuscript collection in the
library is an invaluable asset for the scholars. The library receives
more than 1,500 periodicals in print as well as online access and has a
strong collection of audio-visual materials including CD-ROMs, etc.
Jayakar Library plans to move into the electronic in formation era in a
big way.
The University of Pune has participated in the UGC INFONET Programme which
facilitates access to E-journals of world collections along with JSTOR,
J-Gate, Muse and other famous international databases of world. Presently
Jayakar Library is implementing tw o projects, viz.
1. Pune University Digital Library: A part of "Millions of Books on the
Web Project" in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University, USA and
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. So far 2142 books were scanned.
2. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Technology) Technology, which is
non-contact, non-line-of-sight nature and is based on smart labels. RFID
will be helpful for -
A) Tag & Verify item Information B) Manage books on the self
C) Keep an accurate inventory D) Deter theft
Jayakar Library of Pune University is the first in India to implement this
technology at such a large scale.
Department of Library & Information Science
In 1958, the University of Pune instituted a one-year diploma course in
Library Science. Subsequently, the Dept. of Library & Information Science
was set up under the Faculty of Mental, Moral & Social Science in 1978.
Previously the Department had condu cted Bachelor of Library & Information
Science (B.Lib.I.Sc.); Master of Library & Information Science
(M.Lib.I.Sc.) One year regular and two-year vacational, Ph.D. in Library
Science. So far 28 students have been awarded Ph. D. in Library Science.
In th e year 2002 the Department has introduced two-year integrated MLISc
course with the semester and credit system.
The National Convention is scheduled for four days. The first two days are
exclusively designed for conducting tutorials by experts on the following
* Metadata
* Search Engines
* Data Mining
* Language Databases
The next two days will focus on the theme of the National Convention:
"Quality Information in the Internet Era".
This theme is divided into several sub-themes as detailed below:
Evaluation of Online Information Resources, Information Audit, Search
Engine Strategies, Quality Information Management, Information Gateways,
Quality Information for Quality Life, Quality Collection Development in
the Digital Era, Information Intermediar ies, IPR Issues and Quality
Information, Hidden Web/Invisible Web, Building Quality resources on the
Web, Analysis of Quality Information and Information Seeking Patterns.
Submission of Papers
Participants are welcome to contribute papers for presentation at the
National Convention on the above sub-themes or related themes. The papers
should be based on research surveys, case studies or action plans rather
than theoretical explanations. Papers should reach the Director, DELNET,
40 Max Mueller Marg, Lodhi Estate New Delhi-110003 on or before October
31, 2004. They should be submitted on A4 size paper along with an
electronic copy or sent through E-mail. Papers should contain the name of
the auth or, designation, title of the article, abstract, name of the
affiliating institute, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and
E-mail address. The contributors will be communicated about the acceptance
of the paper by Director, DELNET to enable the m to present their papers.
Please ensure that the paper submitted should not have already been
published elsewhere. The editors will have the right to edit the papers
before acceptance is communicated.
Participation Fees (India and SAARC Countries)
The following will be the charges for Registration and Tutorials.
Members of DELNET Rs.2,500/-
Non-Members and Participants from
Industries from any part of the country Rs.4,000/-
Library professionals from Maharashtra Rs. 2,000/-
College and University Students Rs.1,000/-
Accompanying Persons Rs.1,500/- each
Non-SAARC Countries
Members US $ 100
Non-Members US $ 200
Accompanying Persons US $ 75 each
Participation fee includes fee for attending the tutorials and the
National Convention, including kit, tea, lunch and dinner.
Arrangements are being made to accommodate a limited number of delegates
in the institutional guest houses/hostels furnished with minimum
amenities. Delegates may indicate the request for accommodation in the
registration form. This will be done on a fi rst- come-first-served
basis. In case, sufficient guest house/hostel accommodation is not found,
efforts will be made to accommodate delegates in nearby hotels at
reasonable rates. Those who wish to stay only in hotels may kindly
contact the Organising Secretary before October 31, 2004.
Pune, rightly called "Queen of the Deccan", is located at an altitude of
646 m. from the sea level and is 192 kms from Mumbai, surrounded on all
sides by mountains from the Sahayadri range (Western Ghats). This city
has been settled on the confluence of two rivers called Mutha and Mula.
Pune is a historical city with great traditions. For almost a century,
the Pune city served as 'de facto' capital of the Maratha Empire which
dominated much of the history of India during the 18th century.
The climate in the month of November is pleasant ranging from 11 to 20
degrees. The temperature will be moderate and evenings will be pleasant.
Delegates are advised to come prepared accordingly.
Return Reservation
All the participants are advised to make their reservations on their own
in advance to avoid last minute inconvenience.
Visits to some of the historically prominent places will be arranged
separately on November 27, 2004 at an extra cost based on the distance and
duration of the trip and also the number of delegates.
NACLIN - 2004
Seventh National Convention on
Quality Information in the Internet Era
Date : November 23-26, 2004
Venue: University of Pune, Pune
Name (in BLOCK Letters) : Mr./Ms./Dr.____________________________________
Designation: ____________________________________________________________
Organisation: ___________________________________________________________
Address : _______________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________Pin _____________________
Phone : Office : __________ Resi. : _____________ Cell No. ____________
Fax : ___________________ E-mail :________________________________________
Accompanying person(s) : ______________
Accommodation required : Yes/No,
if yes, please mention the dates from __________ to ___________
I am enclosing DD No. _____________ dated ___________ for Rs.
____________drawn on _______________________towards participation fee Rs.
___________ and accommodation Rs. 1000/- as an advance (if needed)
Place :
Date : Signature :
On-the-spot Registration is available
The filled-in registration forms may be mailed to the Organising
Secretary, NACLIN 2004, C/o The Librarian, Jayakar Library, University of
Pune, Pune-411007 along with the demand draft (payable at Pune)drawn in
favour of "The Registrar, University of Pune ".
Addresses for the Communication
Dr. S. K. Patil
Organising Secretary, NACLIN 2004
University Librarian and
Head, Department of Library & Information Science
University of Pune
Tel : 020-25693648, 25695549
Fax : 020-25693648
E-mail :
Submission of Papers
Dr. H. K. Kaul
40, Max Mueller Marg
Lodhi Estate
New Delhi-110003
Tel : 91-11-24619325, 24610802
Fax : 91-11-24619325
Mobile : 9891016667
E-mail :
Sangeeta Kaul Network Manager DELNET India International Centre 40 Lodi
Estate New Delhi-110003 INDIA Tel.: 91-11-24610802, 24619328 FAX :
91-11-24619325 Web :