Leadership Position for Librarian, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru

Dear Moderator, Please post the following requirement of Leadership Position for Librarian, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. Designation: Librarian, Azim Premji University Purpose: The role requires leadership for the Library at the Azim Premji University and support to all Libraries of the Azim Premji Foundation across India. The libraries work as part of the Knowledge Management Function of the Foundation and have significant online presence in the Knowledge Management portal and the website of the Foundation. Location: Bengaluru Contact: Interested candidates are requested to apply via email at enablers@azimpremjifoundation.org Statement of purpose and detailed CV will be required Summary of Responsibilities: • Provide thought leadership in positioning Azim Premji Foundation libraries as leaders in academic libraries globally. • Direct and formulate policy for Azim Premji University Library core activities- Collection building, Procurement, Cataloging, Circulation, Student and Faculty support. • Provide professional leadership to the full Library team at the University and Foundation. • Provide technical leadership in building archives and digitization of knowledge materials. • Deep knowledge of copyright and related library laws and rules • Source and manage useful partnerships with the Library networks in India and abroad to facilitate access to collections and reference materials for all users at Azim Premji Foundation • Source and manage useful partnerships with social sector organizations and research institutes in India and abroad to facilitate access to collections and reference materials for all users at Azim Premji Foundation • Source and procure relevant online databases that are required for academic work at the University • Support the work of the Knowledge portal – Sourcing articles, research papers, working papers etc. for building a learning repository and maintaining a repository of all knowledge materials being generated at the Foundation including the University. • Provide technical leadership in designing and maintaining user interface for easy online access to learning resources available within the Foundation Library network and open access resources relevant to our work. • Managing and coordinating with all vendors involved in procurement, OPAC and union catalog maintenance and website support. • Direct the library team in upkeep and management of the library premises. Qualification and Experience: • M.L.I.Sc. • Desirable: MPhil/Ph. D. • 10-15 years core library experience at a leadership position in an academic library. • Experience in working with both academic and development organizations would be preferred Skills and Attributes: • Very high user orientation in providing knowledge management and library services • Ability to develop comfortable and professional working relationships with students, faculty, researchers, field colleagues working intensely with teacher educators and teachers and with top management. • Ability to inspire library team members working under your guidance to develop excellence standards in serving the vision of the Foundation. • Openness to learning, humility and sense of strong social purpose. • Good communication skills. Multilingual ease with English, Hindi and Kannada preferable Thanks Dr. Suresh BalutagiAzim Premji UniversityBengaluru - 560 100.
participants (1)
Suresh Balutagi