Annual expenditure on STEM and HSS journal subscription, and annual expenditure on APC paid to journals for the period 2014-2023

Friends, A large part of research in India is funded mostly by one or the other of the Govt funding agencies. The total amount invested on R&D hovers around 0.65-0.7% of GDP, very small compared to some other countries which invest upwards of 4% of GDP. On top of it, not all that meagre some is used for research - on research fellows, laboratory supplies and equipment, setting up facilities (like astronomical observatories or neutrino observation centres), hosting and taking part in conferences/workshops, etc. A part of the money goes to subscribing to journals, a large number of them by a few greedy publishers who report profit margins of around 3% year after year and on APC towards publishing papers in certain journals supposed to be 'prestigious.' Would some member of this forum, preferably someone interested in the cost of doing science, invest some time to examine how much has been the outflow of money from India towards APC annually say since 2015. Also the amount spent on subscribing to overseas journals, both STEM and HSS, annually? With best wishes, Arun
participants (1)
Subbiah Arunachalam