Renovated British Library at Hyderabad

I thought of summarising the following news, as per guidelines recently issued. But then found every sentence interesting! Please read on. Library Lovers & Users in Hyderabad are indeed very proud. Vyasamoorthy, P ==================== SOUTHERN NEWS - ANDHRA PRADESH May 17, 2005 New-look British Library beckons readers Monday May 16 2005 09:48 IST HYDERABAD: British Library, the landmark of the intelligentsia, will wear a new look and offer more services to the people of Hyderabad. In a few weeks, it will turn into a hub centre training people in English accent and other soft skills that will aid a candidate in grabbing the BPO and ITES jobs. There will be self-help literature and a full-time tutor at the library will make things easy for you. The library will have an elegantly done wooden floor with an enhanced security system. The differently-abled can now have easy access of the library and steer the wheelchair in the premises. Aesthetic lighting will replace the existing conventional lighting. These and more will be ready by May 19 when the facilities will be opened to public by Osmania University Vice-Chancellor Prof Suleman Siddique. Edmund Marsden, Minister (Cultural Affairs), British High Commission and Eunice Crook, First Secretary (Cultural Affairs) will come to the city. The British Library has spent close to Rs 1 crore for the refurbishing. ''This is our effort to make the library a hub for learning, creativity and networking,'' says British Library manager Sudhakar Goud. The young learners' section in the library is also redone. More interactive seminars, workshops and activity-oriented events will be held here, he says. A workshop on puppetry is on and noted academician C Ramaiah will give a lecture on unleashing creativity (thankfully not on preparing for IIT). A programme on the role of newspapers in creating a fun atmosphere and a session for better parenting are also on the cards, says Sudhakar. The members can have access to 7,000 online journals, 30,000 books, 10,000 children books, 1,000 World Bank related documents and high speed internet for research. The books will now be placed on 'shelves with wheels' to make space for in-house events. =============== Dr.P.Vyasamoorthy, Advisor, Virtual Information Centre, ICICI Knowledge Park, Genome Valley, Turkapally, Shameerpet Mandal, RR District, Hyderabad 500078 INDIA Email: Phone - Office: +91(40)23480053 Fax: +91(40)23480007 Phone Residence: +91(40)27846631
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