REPORT of the 7th MANLIBNET Convention held at IIM Kozhikode

From: Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 12:43:47 +0530 (IST) To: Subject: REPORT of the 7th MANLIBNET Convention during May 5-7,2005 at IIM Kozhikode Dear Colleagues: On behalf of the President MANLIBNET and on behalf of the Director IIMK, it is my pleasure to present before you the Report of the Rapporteur General which gives a clear picture of the proceedings of the Convention. We acknowledge with thanks the enthusiasm and dedication displayed by the Authors, Participants, Hon'ble Dr. M.K. Muneer, Our distinguished Director of IIMK, Dignitaries who delivered the Keynote address and the Valedictory Address, Our Sessions Chairmen, Our Rapporteur General, Office Bearers of MANLIBNET, our Invited Speakers, our Administration Team, our Library Team, our Computer Center Team, our Engineering Team, and many others who strived hard for making this event a grand success. A PHOTO ALBUM of the event is available at the following address: We look forward to meeting you at MANLIBNET 2006. With warm regards, Sreekumar Organizing Secretary, MANLIBNET 2005 - M G Sreekumar Librarian & Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL) Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Kunnamangalam P.O Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673 571 ----------------------------------------- Phone : +91 495 2809140 Fax : +91 495 2803010/11 Email : Web : ========================================= Report of the Rapporteur General Mr. H. Anil Kumar, Chief Librarian, Nirma University, Ahmedabad DAY 1 : May 05, 2005 Pre-Convention Tutorial The Pre-Convention Tutorial on the 'Greenstone' Open Source Digital Library software was attended by 36 participants. The tutorial gave a deep insight into the installation, configuration, collection building and customization using the Greenstone software for developing and maintaining digital libraries. Mr. Sreekumar and his team at IIMK conducted the tutorial. The pedagogy was through lectures and demonstrations which was followed by a three-hour practice session. Participants were given the Greenstone software on a CD, along with manuals, installation guidance and soft copies of the lectures. DAY 2 : May 6, 2005 Inaugural Function Welcome by M G Sreekumar, Organizing Secretary, MANLIBNET 2005 and Vice-President, MANLIBNET. Dr. Krishna Kumar, Director, IIMK expressed his delight at the response received by this convention. In his address Dr. Kumar talked about the role of libraries in the highly competitive world. He went on to qualify the term �competitiveness�. In his speech he explained the main factors of competitiveness, like increasing number of competitors, global competitors, power of scaling up by competitors, competitor from any unrelated sector, financial strength, and innovation. In this scenario Dr. Kumar elucidated the role of librarians to overcome issues and challenges like information overload, developing an international perspective, live harmoniously in pressure situations, meet challenges of competition, help develop analytical and conceptual skills among students, and exposure to materials in different languages and making aware such materials to faculty. In his Inaugural Speech, Dr. M.K. Muneer, Minister for Public Works, Govt. of Kerala started with an introduction to the Library Movement in Kerala and Panicker�s contribution to the networking of village libraries. He urged the MANLIBNET to create a KM grid for the nation. He alerted the need for controlling the issue of digital divide. Dr. Muneer also talked about media literacy and critical role of management libraries in creating digital libraries. In his Address, Dr. TAV Murthy, Director, INFLIBNET illustrated the relevance of the theme, provided a briefing on the participants profile, the range of participation, papers included in the convention. Dr. Murthy informed the gathering about the presence of database vendors, aggregators and also about the tutorial conducted on the previous day as a part of the convention. Dr. Murthy gave the audience the perspective of changing scenario for the libraries and role of INFLIBNET in nurturing young minds in the nation. The convention was formally inaugurated with lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries. The convention proceedings was released by Dr. Muneer and the Programme CD was released by Dr. Murthy. Mr. M.M.L. Goyal, President, MANLIBNET proposed the vote of thanks. Keynote address by Dr. TAV Murthy: Technology based knowledge management developments: Threats and opportunities for libraries. Dr. Murthy provided an interesting and the much required global technology perspective to the gathering through this paper. His address reflected the vast experience and expertise of Dr. Murthy in the arena of librarianship, information science, information technology and information policy making. Dr. Murthy also dwelt on the concepts of OAI, Wikipedia, Open Archive, etc. He also gave a brief of digital status of India, its policy directions, Kerala�s initiatives in digitization. Dr. Murthy talked about the strength of India in its young and bright minds, IT leadership and English language. He warned the professionals of the challenges of WTO and IPR. Dr. Murthy summarised his address with reference to nanotechnology and advised the professionals to consider technology, platform and open archive initiatives as soon as possible, to face the challenges of the global competition. Theme paper by Mr. M G Sreekumar on 'Digital Library Initiatives and Issues in India: Efforts on scholarly knowledge management'. The paper discussed various problems, challenges and issues involved in the design and development of standard digital libraries in the Indian context. Sreekumar listed the Indian initiatives by various organisations. He provided an excellent introduction on DL, its design, architecture, features, software, workflow and planning. He shared his experiences at IIMK in implementing DL and provided useful insights in the are. Technical Session I Chair: Dr. Raju Mathew, Head, DLIS, University of Calicut 1. KM in libraries: Designing proposal for implementation by Dr. PR Goswami and Sh. MML. Goyal The paper presented a guideline for implementing a knowledge management project in a social science library. The author (Goyal) described the role of NASSDOC and initiatives taken by NASSDOC in the KM area. He also gave examples of managing reference sources like Census publications. 2. Knowledge Management strategies for effectively managing libraries by Mr. H Anil Kumar. Mr. Anil Kumar provided a framework for KM. The presentation provided an understanding of the basic concepts of KM, types of KM and library focussed application. The presentation suggested a Knowledge Map development and then crafting a plan, developing a design and then implementing the KM in a library. The presentation also provided a list of processes and sub processes in a library environment. 3. GLADIATOR: Cutting edge web service technology to the Indian universities by Mr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. TAV Murthy and Mr. Ankit Shah The paper introduced GLADIATOR for providing Web Services to the academic community of India by sharing bibliographic resources between SOUL and UCMS. It is an application for automated on demand data transfer on requisition. It is aimed at providing security enhancement application which can act as a prototype for future web services. The presentation discussed the Open Standards driving Web Services like XML, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL and TCP/IP, architecture and design of GLADIATOR and future web services. 4. Presentation by EBSCO Mr. Shaji John of BESCO gave a presentation in Business Source Premier and A-Z products Technical Session II Chair: Dr. TAV Murthy 1. Structural and conceptual changes in the information landscape: The new challenges for information professionals by Prof. Saji Gopinath, Chairman, QMOM Area & Associate Professor, IIMK Dr. Saji Gopinath talked about the developments in library vis-a-vis its services, users and their changing needs and impact on Digital libraries. Dr. Saji Gopinath talked about challenges to information professionals and the tools available to tackle these issues. The three themes that he dealt with in the paper were: Structural changes in the information space; transition from information to knowledge and moving from proprietary standards to open standards. He also provided a modified knowledge grid based on his research with 700 respondents. In the third main theme of open standards he raised the issues of financial viability of open standards and suggested a closer look at the concept of open standards. He has suggested models of taking decisions in solving the dilemma of selecting proprietary versus open standards. 2. Knowledge Management: Strategy, technology and application by Mr. Biswajit Saha Mr. Saha provided an overview of KM, strategies of KM and technology aspects of KM. The author also discussed the application of KM in libraries and the role of library and information professionals in the KM process. 3. Digital information services in an undergraduate management college by Ms. Meeta Rathod Ms. Rathod presented a conceptual paper beginning with the fundamental steps for moving towards the DL from a convention library of Business Management College. She shared her personal experiences at her library in Surat. She presented an excellent case of digitising her library functions, sources and services and she went on to elucidate issues and challenges in a small library supporting a business management college. She called for collaborative efforts by library professionals in the endeavor to providing effective services. 4. Presentation by Bharat Book Bureau Mr. M.K. Chettiar of BBB gave a presentation on EIU Viewswire, Country Data 5. Knowledge Management: Strategies for managing the knowledge in the digital age by Mr. G.T. Mahesh Mr. G.T. Mahesh provided a good introduction to knowledge management, types of knowledge, transformation of types of knowledge. Mr. Mahesh also suggested digital library technologies for knowledge transformation, knowledge management strategies, barriers and finally benefits of KM. 6. Knowledge Management and Knowledge Repositories: Role of management libraries by Mr. Kaladhar Arnepalli Providing a perspective of knowledge management for libraries, Mr. Kaladhar, talked about the primary resources of knowledge and knowledge repositories. He mentioned about the requirement for refining knowledge and managing knowledge refineries. He also talked about technologies to be used by library professionals in KM. 7. Emerging Confront for Library and information professionals in KM era by Ms. K. Vinitha, S. Kanthimathi and K. Tharani Devi Ms. Vinitha talked about KM, its process, concept and importance of KM. She listed modules, steps, barriers and prerequisites of KM. She went on to talk about the strong relationship between human resource management and knowledge management in libraries and the challenges and roles for the information professional. 8. Computerisation of library functions and services at IMCC, Pune by Ms. Meenal Oak The paper mainly focussed on the computerisation of library functions and services right from selection of library software. LAN setup, Web access, barcoding of resources and readers tickets and training of staff. Ms. Meenal presented a good case study on library automation. 9. Music Library Management in Knowledge Society by Mr. L. Nithin The author provided an interesting understanding of a music library and he focussed on KM in a music library. Mr. Nithin also dealt with the issues and problems in managing a music library, music information retrieval and future perspectives of music access and retrieval and he also went on to state qualities of a music librarian. DAY 3 : May 7, 2005 MANLIBNET Best Librarian Award 2004 The First MANLIBNET Best Librarian Award (2004) was conferred on Shri Chikkamalliah, Librarian, IIM-B Technical Session III A Chair: Shri Chickmalliah 1. Multimedia Content development for new generation libraries by Mr. Ashok Pathak Mr. Pathak gave an excellent presentation on multimedia, its components/objects, types, image formats, tools for creating multimedia image objects, various digital audio and video formats, multimedia content integration, and comparison of different contents. The presentation was very much relevant for library professionals in adopting multimedia technologies and the best part of the paper was the variety and comprehensive scope of issues covered for the direct benefit of the library professionals. 2. Library capacity building through E-journal consortia: The Indian scenario: M.G. Sreekumar and T. Sunitha Ms. Sunitha talked about the importance of consortia formation with the focus on access to E-Journals. She dealt with the need, benefit and the variety of issues faced by such consortia. Ms. Sunitha listed the Indian initiatives in this direction. She illustrated the various models of library consortia including a conceptual model of National Consortium. 3. Digital archives: Design and development by K R Mulla, A S Shivakumar, Chikkamalliah and M Chandrashekara Mr. K R Mulla talked about the scenario in which libraries are functioning and the importance of digital library. He also talked about the objectives, advantages, design, development, architecture, management issues and developments in digital archive. 4. Organising for digital archiving: A network model at SDMIMD by N S Harinarayan and M V Sunil Mr. Sunil presented the case of SDMIMD, Mysore library and their experience in developing an e-library. Charting an interesting path in attempting to create an e-library, Mr. Sunil talked on a range of issues, right from listing objectives, selecting the software to the implementation and hosting of the portal. 5. Presentation by Balani Infotech Mr. Basawaraj gave a presentation on EMERALD Library Technical Session III B Chair: Mr. Jitender Sharma 1. Institutional Repositories: A new paradigm to sharing information by Gayatri Doctor Ms. Gayatri Doctor talked about institutional repositories, types, digital repositories and components of such institutional repositories. She went on to list some global and Indian initiatives in this direction. Further she gave the participants an idea of search enablers and also benefits of institutional repositories. 2. Library Consortia in India: A successful way by Rajesh Kumar Mr. Rajesh Kumar started with an introduction to Library Consortia, leading to identifying the purpose and objectives of such a consortia. He went explained the formation process, purchasing process in a consortia, types of consortia and finally provided some examples of library Consortia in India. 3. Establishing an integrated & interactive videoconferencing facility at the library of IIM Lucknow by Roshan Lal Raina (presented by Mr. M.U. Raja) The paper shared the IIM-L experience in attempting to establish an videoconferencing facility at the Institute. The paper is an elucidation of the proposal that was submitted by IIM-L to MHRD in 2000 and started in 2003 with details of cost of equipment required for setting up this facility. 4. Presentation by Taylor & Francis Dr. Temjen gave a presentation on Taylor & Francis Journals Technical Session IV Chair Ms. Gayatri Doctor 1. Presentation by Edutech India Ltd. Mr. Sathish gave a presentation of the range of information products handled by M/s. Edutech. 2. Metadata: Automatic generation and extraction by P P Noufal The paper dealt with the importance of metadata and metadata extraction. Starting with defining metadata, Mr. Noufal spoke on the types of metadata, why metadata, characteristics of metadata and the process, developing a metadata system, one of the various frameworks of metadata Dublin Core, automation extraction of metadata and tools for this purpose. 3. Text mining for information retrieval by Jyothiprakash Mr. Jyothiprakash talked about text mining as a tool for information retrieval. Providing the definition, characteristics of text, text mining technology, he also gave an idea of the applications of text mining. 4. Web mining for knowledge resource centers (libraries) by B. Sivakumar, R. Sujatha, R. Solaimalai and K. Rajkumar Mr. B. Sivakumar and Prof. Sujatha showcased a software they had developed to help the librarian in decision making. The software helps them in understanding the users and pattern of usage. Prof. Sujatha talked about the process of developing the system right from crafting the strategy, design, architecture to the implementation of such mining software. She also gave good instances on application of this mining software to facilitate decision making of the librarian. Valedictory Session Chief Guest - Dr. K.R. Srivatsan, Director, IIITMK, Trivandrum Information Systems for Knowledge Enterprises by Dr. K.R. Srivatsan Dr. Srivatsan has stunned the audience not only by his lucid oration on the topic but also by his intense and passionate knowing of the great Dr. S R Ranganathan. Starting from the great SRRanganathan�s vision of libraries to be supermarkets, drawing parallels to supply chain management, ERP and so on he beautifully interpreted the 5 laws of library science. He took us through the journey of a traditional library to digital library. Further he talked about facilitating knowledge management with the digital library. Dr. Srivatsan made an interesting statement that libraries can no longer work in isolation and are the part and parcel of knowledge and intellectual infrastructure. The challenge he feels is in integrating DL into enterprise systems. He says that the library and information professionals will become knowledge officers of every organisation in the future. And this would require modernising the LIS Schools. 5 Laws + 5 Rights + CDRC of KM = Knowledge Interaction Interface (KII) He gave us ample examples of such integration in virtual organisations. He also provided many such avenues and roles that library can play in the KM process. In brief: Papers Presented: TOTAL: 25 1 Keynote Address 2 Theme paper 3 Technical Session I � 3 papers 4 Technical Session II � 8 papers 5 Technical Session III � 8 papers 6 Technical Session IV � 3 7 Valedictory Address Authors not present: 5 Vendor Presentations 5 (EBSCO, BHARATH BOOK BUREAU, BALANI, TAYLOR & FRANCIS, EDUTECH) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search.
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JK Vijayakumar