5Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 04:51:01 +0000
From: K.S. Raghavan
Recent technological developments have enabled ready access to more
information and data than can be comprehended and managed effectively.
Ontology is an important knowledge organization tool and has a crucial
role to play in capturing, organizing, representing and assigning meaning
to information, data and knowledge.
However, even after three decades of research, ontology development
remains within the realm of research and has not entered the daily
professional activity of librarians and information professionals.
Ontology promises to enable intelligent Web applications, but such
intelligent applications do not seem to have invaded the public and
business domains. Many papers on ontology are merely descriptive -
describing an ontology, ontology construction process, or a prototype
application; there has been insufficient effort to draw out lessons and
derive fundamental principles.
This special issue of LIBRES seeks to identify such lessons and principles
related to ontology development and application, and to suggest a
direction for ontology research in the field of Information Studies.
Papers that focus on issues and challenges in building large-scale
ontologies, representing complex semantic constructs in languages like
OWL, merging ontologies as well as successful designs for systems and
experiments in the use of ontologies in knowledge management, information
retrieval and knowledge discovery are sought. The special issue will also
seek to bridge the gap between perceptions of the LIS community and
ontology engineers to suggest a way forward. Critical papers on ontology
editors - both commercial and open source software - will also be
considered for publication. All submissions will be peer-reviewed.
- Submission of title & abstract for preliminary review: May 15, 2016
- Submission of full paper for review: June 30, 2016
Author guidelines can be found at:
LIBRES is a peer-reviewed open-access journal, published by Nanyang
Technological University (Singapore), Wee Kim Wee School of Communication
& Information. It was previously published by Curtin University
(Australia), Department of Information Studies. LIBRES is indexed by ISA,
LISA, EBSCO, Scopus and Cabells.
Guest editors for the special issue of LIBRES:
Dr. Kavi Mahesh (drkavimahesh@gmail.commailto:drkavimahesh@gmail.com)
Dr K. S. Raghavan (ksragav@hotmail.commailto:ksragav@hotmail.com)
Centre for Knowledge Analytics & Ontological Engineering (KAnOE),
PES University, Bangalore, India
K. S. Raghavan
Visiting Scientist
Centre for Knowledge Analytics & Ontological Engineering (KAnOE)
PES University
100 Feet Ring Road, BSK 3rd Stage
Bengaluru 560085