We must promote the use of CORE Discovery browser extension in India

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Core is the largest collection of OA papers. Every academic library in India and every individual researcher should take advantage of it.
CORE harvests research papers from data providers from all over the world including institutional and subject repositories, open access and hybrid journal publishers.
CORE currently contains *135,539,113* open access articles, from over tens of thousands of journals, collected from 9,646 data providers around the world. *A new CORE Discovery browser extension *
CORE Discovery helps users find freely accessible copies of research papers that might be behind a paywall on the publisher’s website. It is backed by our huge dataset of millions of full text open access papers as well as content from widely used external services beyond CORE. The tool not only provides state-of-the-art coverage of freely available content, it is the only discovery service which:
delivers state-of-the-art performance compared to other discovery tools in terms of both content coverage (finding a freely available copy when it is available) and precision (reliably delivering a free copy of the paper on success);
is run by researchers for researchers (as opposed to companies);
has the best grip on content from the global network of open repositories;
can deliver to readers other relevant freely available research papers even in situations where a freely available version is not available from anywhere on the web.
To satisfy the needs of CORE users, the world’s largest global aggregator of open access research papers now helps users access articles of their interest. Generally, discovery tools can find typically free copies of papers for about 15%-30% of published documents. This means that in more than 70% of cases, they don’t bring to the user anything useful. CORE Discovery can offer the user relevant documents even in situations where other discovery tools are not successful. What distinguishes CORE Discovery from other discovery services on the market is that it does not stop when an open access version is not available, but always aims to offer related open access articles to the end user.
This extension is available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera users. To find out more about the extension and to install it, go to the CORE Discovery page. After installing, you will be able to see the padlock button in your browser. As soon as you navigate to a web page offering a research article, you will automatically see one of the following three icons:
grey – when CORE cannot identify an open access version of the article or similar articles,
orange – when an open access version of the article is not available, CORE suggests other similar papers to the one the user is looking for or relevant to the topic, and
green – when an open access version of the article is discovered
Petr Knoth – Founder & Head of CORE, comments: “CORE is uniquely positioned to deliver this service to the community. This is because CORE is not only working at the level of article metadata as other services in this domain, but goes one step further in processing the full text to validate its availability, correctness and to identify other relevant free papers in situations when exactly the same article is not available. While rival discovery systems fail in over 70% of cases by not delivering to the user anything useful, CORE goes one step further in delivering a useful service to users in the majority of cases.”
Via CORE Discovery users can automate the process of finding a free full text of a paywalled research article with only one-click. CORE Discovery is a completely free to use tool that can benefit researchers, students and the general public. Within libraries, the extension can be used as an alternative or complement to interlibrary loan and save effort and resources to universities. Additionally, library staff can use it to analyse and monitor open access availability of papers their users read, for example, to understand which content it is worth subscribing to. We encourage libraries to include CORE Discovery in their library guides and pre-install CORE Discovery on the library’s public computers. Library and repository systems providers can integrate CORE Discovery using CORE Discovery API. Best wishes.
Arun http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4398-4658 http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-9925-2009
participants (1)
Subbiah Arunachalam