RE: [LIS-Forum] RE: The Sabo Bill and Open Access
Do Chemists world over subscribe to Arun's view that Databases like Chemical
Abstracts will become superfluous as OAI initiative matures covering a large
part of journal content?
Saboo bill is a threat to the academic freedom of the scientists which gives
them benefit of copyright for their published research works even though
money is spent by their respective institutes for doing research (be it
federal funding or others)? Are the scientist-authors willing to loose this
academic freedom? This issue which is at the heart of freedom of expression,
a very fundamental individual rights. If a scientist desires to publish a
book out of his research work, will any publisher be willing to pick it up
once the Saboo bill is passed as an act?
N V Sathyanarayana
Chairman & Managing Director
Informatics (India) Ltd
Bangalore 560003, India
Phone : 91-80-23365940
-----Original Message-----
From: Mailing List Manager []
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 6:31 PM
Subject: RE: [LIS-Forum] RE: The Sabo Bill and Open Access
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 07:26:27 +0100 (BST)
From: "[iso-8859-1] Subbiah Arunachalam"
From: sathya
Hi Arun
Our Feb 2004 editorial in U&I focuses on Martin Saboo's bill and its implications - "OAI and the Copyright Battle"
A QUESTION(that haunts me), to Forum members.
What should be the OAI's approach to "Indexes and database Aggregations"? For example, "Chemical Abstracts" and "the Journal of American Chemical Society" are different species of knowledge-animal, of entirely different value. Please note, a new separate Act is enacted recently by US Government to copyright protect databases, while Saboo's bill seeks to take-out federally funded (substantially) research publications out of copyright.
Sathya -------------------------------------------------- N V Sathyanarayana Informatics --------------------------------------------------
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