Re: [LIS-Forum] LIS-Forum Digest, Vol 204, Issue 11

Dear Sir, I appeared in refresher course ETTLIS NTA ARPIT on 16
feb2020 and scored 81percent .I am working in jnv where there is no
promotion steps. Where I can use this score. This course will
definitely add new dimension in my career prospects. Extend my
hearty thanks to Nabi Hassan sir and all mentors of the ETTLIS. With
regards Abha Sinha ,librarian, jnv, rajgir. Night.
On Wed, Mar 4, 2020, 17:57 Send LIS-Forum mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
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than "Re: Contents of LIS-Forum digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Re: LIS-Forum Digest, Vol 204, Issue 6 (Yalagouda M Patil)
2. Re: (no subject) (Gayathri Devi) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 15:35:00 +0530
From: Yalagouda M Patil I am shocked to hear sad demise of Shri L J Haravu. I knew him since my
joining ICAR service at Nagpur from 1980s. He was long associated with
ICRISAT,Pattancheru. I was deputed to hands on training at ICRISAT under
Sri Haravu who exposed me to various facets of Agricultural Librarianship.
He was a true library professional with modern outlook. We have lost one of
the leading library professionals. Let his soul be at rest in peace. Y M Patil
Retd. Librarian, RRI, Bengaluru. On Wed, 4 Mar 2020, 10:16 , Send LIS-Forum mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to You can reach the person managing the list at When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of LIS-Forum digest..." Today's Topics: 1. Re: L J Haravu passed away (Sathyanarayana NV) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 03:56:23 +0000
From: Sathyanarayana NV MA1PR01MB324406D106167ED701B9CA6DD5E50@MA1PR01MB3244.INDPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Bright, intelligent and practical librarian of our generation, the
earliest initiator of computers in Indian libraries, and a confident and
knowledgable LIS professional is sadly no more. I had the fortune of
knowing and interact ling with him for five decades since his BHEL days,
though not as often as I would have loved to. When I presented a two-day
workshop on Online searching at the IICT, Hyderabad (then RRL), during
mid-80s which he attended, a piece of advice he gave me in structuring
training presentation changed my entire outlook and approach to training
methods and models completely. We miss you Haravu. May your soul rest in
peace. N. V. Sathyanarayana Get Outlook for iOS
From: LIS-Forum Shri L J Haravu, residing at Mysore has passed away on 2nd of night of
March 2020 with brief illness of old age issues. He was a guiding spirit
for LIS professionals at Mysuru. He was freelance information consultant.
He was associated with Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge
Management. He was also source behind developing NewGenLib LIS software.
He was active on Facebook, specially with witty poems. Laksminarasimh Jayaram Haravu b.1935, has Masters degree in Mathematics
Masters in Information Science. Since 1964, Shri. Haravu was pioneer in designing and implementing
- based tools to improve information services for scientific and
users of libraries in India and globally. A mathematician by training,
Haravu entered the information field at the National Scientific
Documentation Centre in New Delhi. He has since collaborated in many
projects and held senior positions at the Indian Institute of Technology,
the National Small Industry Extension Training Institute(NISIET) and
Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL). He was consultant for DESIDOC, INFLIBNET,
FAO, IDRC, ILRI, etc. He served as a head of the Library and
services at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT) , Hyderabad. He has developed utilities for use with
Unesco’s Micro CDS/ISIS, Delphi-ISIS, SDI services. He was IASLIC
of the year 1994. I met him at ICRISAT as student of BLIS in 1991, he inspired us with lot
enthusiasm on current practices in Library Automation, Databases,
Future Trends, etc. and opportunities to work in LIS field. Till last
he was frequently visiting KSOU Library with his Engineer friend. I pray
god almighty to rest his soul in peace and give strength to bear this
loss to his family. Dr. K Prakash
Secretary, MyLISA -- With best regards,
------------------------------------------------------- Dr. K Prakash
Karnataka State Open University
Mysuru – 570006 Email: | Web:
Tel: 0821-2510953(Dir) | EPBX: 0821-2500873, 2519952 Extn.: 530
Cell: 9448066788 --
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Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 16:35:40 +0530
From: Gayathri Devi Dr. Haravu always tagged with Newgenlib. Had lots of conversation in
installing, configuring NewGenlib. Person with a command on technology and
library applications. A great loss to Library and Information Science
community. May his soul rest in peace. On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 2:42 PM lakshmamma Mrs Sir/Madam, Really big loss to the profession and I met him in Bangalore university
for NEWGENLIB workshop he is down to earh.
It is very sad to know that Sri Haravu is no more. I pray the god may
soul rest in peace . --
Mrs.Lakshmamma B.Com, M.L.I.S, M. Phil, UGC-NET, Swayam DL.
Librarian & ERP Co-Ordinator,
ABMRCP Library & Information Centre,
Acharya & BM Reddy College Of Pharmacy,
Acharya Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Road,
Acharya Post office,
Bangaluru-560 107, Karnataka, India
Phone :+91 080-28396011 (Ext:2307) M:9449116533
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Dr. Gayathri Devi S
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participants (1)
Abha sinha