"National Workshop on Open Source Software for Libraries"
Announcement for "National Workshop on Open Source Software for Libraries" to be held at ISEC, Bangalore between 4-5th, April 2005. The Institute for social and Economic Change (ISEC) is a multi-disciplinary research and training institute in Social Sciences. It is one of the major ICSSR research organizations established by Professor V K R V Rao, in the year 1972 in Bangalore. ISEC Library and NASSDOC-ICSSR will be jointly conducting a National Workshop on "Open Source Software for Libraries" between 4-5th, April 2005 at the campus of ISEC, Nagarabhavi PO, Dr. V.K.R.V Rao Avenue, Bangalore-560 072. The Institute is well equipped with fully air-conditioned seminar halls, a meeting room with Multi-media and OHP facilities. The Workshop is designed to be a lecture - cum - demonstration on the following topics: 1.. E Prints Software 2.. Web designing Technology for librarians 3.. Introduction on "Digitization of Library and Information Centres. 4.. DSPACE Software 5.. Open Source Software for libraries 6.. Open Source Digital Library Software etc., There is no registration fee for the course participants. Participants will get conference material and free boarding for two days. The organizers will provide accommodation by charging a nominal fee of Rs. 125/- per day per participant at institute's guesthouse. Intake of the participants has restricted to 30 members only. Preference will be given to Social Science institution library professionals. Registration will be allowed on first cum and first served basis. Interested participants may please fill the enclosed registration form and transmit to the undersigned through e-mail or post for consideration at the earliest. TRB SARMA Librarian cum Course Cooridinator Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) Nagarabhavi, Bangalore. 560 072 (Karnataka) Telephone No.s 080-23215468/23215592 Extension 302 Fax: 080-23217008; E-mail trbsarma@isec.ac.in NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON "OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE FOR LIBRARIES" April 4-5, 2005 at ISEC, Banglaore - 560 072 Registration Form Name Mr/Ms/Dr : Designation & Official Address : Residential Address : Phones (Office and Res.) : Fax Nos. : E-mail : Accommodation needed : Yes or No Date: Signature TRB SARMA Librarian, ISEC Nagarabhavi, Bangalore. 560 072. E-mail : trbsarma@isec.ac.in Telephone: 080-23215468 Extn. 302 Announcement for "National Workshop on Open Source Software for Libraries" to be held at ISEC, Bangalore between 4-5 th , April 2005. The Institute for social and Economic Change (ISEC) is a multi-disciplinary research and training institute in Social Sciences. It is one of the major ICSSR research organizations established by Professor V K R V Rao, in the year 1972 in Bangalore . ISEC Library and NASSDOC-ICSSR will be jointly conducting a National Workshop on "Open Source Software for Libraries" between 4-5 th , April 2005 at the campus of ISEC, Nagarabhavi PO, Dr. V.K.R.V Rao Avenue, Bangalore-560 072 . The Institute is well equipped with fully air-conditioned seminar halls, a meeting room with Multi-media and OHP facilities. The Workshop is designed to be a lecture - cum - demonstration on the following topics: E Prints Software Web designing Technology for librarians Introduction on "Digitization of Library and Information Centres. DSPACE Software Open Source Software for libraries Open Source Digital Library Software etc., There is no registration fee for the course participants. Participants will get conference material and free boarding for two days. The organizers will provide accommodation by charging a nominal fee of Rs. 125/- per day per participant at institute's guesthouse. Intake of the participants has restricted to 30 members only. Preference will be given to Social Science institution library professionals. Registration will be allowed on first cum and first served basis. Interested participants may please fill the enclosed registration form and transmit to the undersigned through e-mail or post for consideration at the earliest. TRB SARMA Librarian cum Course Cooridinator Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) Nagarabhavi, Bangalore. 560 072 (Karnataka) Telephone No.s 080-23215468/23215592 Extension 302 Fax: 080-23217008; E-mail trbsarma@isec.ac.in NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON "OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE FOR LIBRARIES" April 4-5, 2005 at ISEC, Banglaore - 560 072 Registration Form Name Mr/Ms/Dr : Designation & Official Address : Residential Address : Phones (Office and Res.) : Fax Nos. : E-mail : Accommodation needed : Yes or No Date: Signature TRB SARMA Librarian, ISEC Nagarabhavi, Bangalore. 560 072. E-mail : mailto:trbsarma@isec.ac.in trbsarma@isec.ac.in Telephone: 080-23215468 Extn. 302
participants (1)
T R B Sarma