Application are invited for the post Research Associate and Research Assistant for a ICSSR sponsored research Project at DLIS, BUB
The Department of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University,
Bangalore is invited application from eligible candidates to work as
Research Associate *Rs*.*16,000/-pm* and Research Assistant
Rs.*13,000/-pm* under
ICSSR sponsored research project entitled “*Social Science Research Data
Management: A pilot Study of select Universities and Research Institutions
in Karnataka towards development of Research Data Repository*” for the
duration of *two* years. The qualification and emoluments shall be as per
ICSSR, New Delhi, for further details please visit ICSSR
** website. Interested
candidates should apply in a plan paper further along with attested copies
of all relevant documents with complete CV and send hard of completed
application to *Prof.Ramesha*, Professor and Project Director, Department
of Library and Information Science, J.B.Campus, Bangalore University,
Bangalore – 560056 or mail to **
participants (1)
Suresh Gp