Dear Sir/ Madam, I would like to inform you all that Karnakata State Librarians Associartion has organised one day work shop at Hubli on 9-10-2005,at P C Jabin Science College. I am attaching a brief report of the work shop, Kindly go through the report, Thanks Regards, Horakeri. Hubli: State Level One day Workshop on library Automation and Digital Libraries organised by Karnataka State Librarians Association in collaboration with Aar Gees Business Solutions, an Electronic Management Software, known as eLib here at P C Jabin Science College on Sunday, the 9th October 2005. Mr. Shankaranna Munavalli, the Director K L E Society, Belgaum and President Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who inaugurated the workshop said persistence, would lead to success. He stressed the need for a change in the culture at libraries and added one should concentrate on weakness and rectify them. Dr S L Sangam, Chairman and Professor, DLIS, Karnataka University, Dharwad, said the importance of libraries had increased in the globalization. He said all libraries should have access to information of any kind. He explained about concept of Digital Libraries, Objectives, Characteristics, and Key features, Components, Function and Services rendered by DL. Dr D M Kotturshettar, Principal PC Jabin Science College spoke. Mr. Mahesh D Horakeri, President, Karnataka State Librarians Association presided. In his presidential address, he said librarians association not only fighting for their professional demands but association is organizing so many academic developmental activities also for librarians to improve their skills in organ sing information using latest technology available in the IT sector. Noted economics and commerce scholar Prof K D Basava was felicitated on the occasion. Mr S G Tigadi welcomed the gathering and Mr. A R Dharwadkaer proposed vote of thanks. Mr. B S Malwad conducted the programme. Dr Ramesh Naik, Lecture, DLIS, KUD and Mr. Verru Uppin, Aar Gees Business Solutions were present on the Dias. Over 75 librarians from various parts of the state participated in the workshop. Dr S L Sangam. Mr. Veer Uppin, Mr Guru Angadi. Ms Shruti Nayak presented paper on Library Automation and software. In the evening closing ceremony, Mr. Basavraj S Horatti, Honorable Minister of Rural Development and Panchyat Raj and Science and Technology, Govt of Karnataka was the Chief Guest. Addressed the gathering, he said librarians should provide relevant information and good services to user of their library. He assured the librarians that he will put sincere effort in solving the various problems faced by librarians, viz pay fixation and Promotion, etc. Mr. Mahesh Horakeri and Mr. Viru Uppin were present on the dais. References, The Hindu dated 10-10-2005, http://www.hindu.com/2005/10/10/stories/2005101001360300.htm The Hindu Karnataka - Hubli-Dharwad News Importance of libraries stressed.htm The news covered in ETV Kannada news at 10:30pm on 9-10-2005, Sanje Darpan Kannada daily on 9-10-2005, Kannada Dailys, Vijay Karnataka, Praia Vani, Kannada Prabha, Usha Kiran, on 10-10-2005. English Dailys: Deccan Herald, The Hindu, Vijay Times on 10-10-2005 Thanks, Regards, Horakeri. Suresh D Horakeri BSc, MLISc,PGDLAN, Asst Librarian, BVB College of Engg & Tech, Hubli-31, Ph: 9341610603 (R) (0836) 2378422 2378422 (O) Emails ; sdhorakeri@yahoo.co.in horakeri@bvb.edu --------------------------------- Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. Dear Sir/ Madam, I would like to inform you all that Karnakata State Librarians Associartion has organised one day work shop at Hubli on 9-10-2005,at P C Jabin Science College. I am attaching a brief report of the work shop, Kindly go through the report, Thanks Regards, Horakeri. Hubli: State Level One day Workshop on library Automation and Digital Libraries organised by Karnataka State Librarians Association in collaboration with Aar Gees Business Solutions, an Electronic Management Software, known as eLib here at P C Jabin Science College on Sunday, the 9 th October 2005 . Mr. Shankaranna Munavalli, the Director K L E Society, Belgaum and President Karnataka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who inaugurated the workshop said persistence, would lead to success. He stressed the need for a change in the culture at libraries and added one should concentrate on weakness and rectify them. Dr S L Sangam, Chairman and Professor, DLIS, Karnataka University , Dharwad, said the importance of libraries had increased in the globalization. He said all libraries should have access to information of any kind. He explained about concept of Digital Libraries, Objectives, Characteristics, and Key features, Components, Function and Services rendered by DL. Dr D M Kotturshettar, Principal PC Jabin Science College spoke. Mr. Mahesh D Horakeri, President, Karnataka State Librarians Association presided. In his presidential address, he said librarians association not only fighting for their professional demands but association is organizing so many academic developmental activities also for librarians to improve their skills in organ sing information using latest technology available in the IT sector. Noted economics and commerce scholar Prof K D Basava was felicitated on the occasion. Mr S G Tigadi welcomed the gathering and Mr. A R Dharwadkaer proposed vote of thanks. Mr. B S Malwad conducted the programme. Dr Ramesh Naik, Lecture, DLIS, KUD and Mr. Verru Uppin, Aar Gees Business Solutions were present on the Dias. Over 75 librarians from various parts of the state participated in the workshop. Dr S L Sangam. Mr. Veer Uppin, Mr Guru Angadi. Ms Shruti Nayak presented paper on Library Automation and software. In the evening closing ceremony, Mr. Basavraj S Horatti, Honorable Minister of Rural Development and Panchyat Raj and Science and Technology, Govt of Karnataka was the Chief Guest. Addressed the gathering, he said librarians should provide relevant information and good services to user of their library. He assured the librarians that he will put sincere effort in solving the various problems faced by librarians, viz pay fixation and Promotion, etc. Mr. Mahesh Horakeri and Mr. Viru Uppin were present on the dais. References, The Hindu dated 10-10-2005 , http://www.hindu.com/2005/10/10/stories/2005101001360300.htm http://www.hindu.com/2005/10/10/stories/2005101001360300.htm The Hindu Karnataka - Hubli-Dharwad News Importance of libraries stressed.htm The news covered in ETV Kannada news at 10:30pm on 9-10-2005 , Sanje Darpan Kannada daily on 9-10-2005 , Kannada Dailys, Vijay Karnataka, Praia Vani, Kannada Prabha, Usha Kiran, on 10-10-2005 . English Dailys: Deccan Herald, The Hindu, Vijay Times on 10-10-2005 Thanks, Regards, Horakeri. Suresh D Horakeri BSc, MLISc,PGDLAN, Asst Librarian, BVB College of Engg & Tech, Hubli-31, Ph: 9341610603 (R) (0836) 2378422 2378422 (O) Emails ; sdhorakeri@yahoo.co.in horakeri@bvb.edu http://pa.yahoo.com/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=36035/*http://music.yahoo.co... Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.
participants (1)
Suresh Horakeri