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From: Ann Okerson
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 9:40 AM
Subject: CFP: Satellite Meeting - Libraries as Publishers: Building a Global Community
To: ifla-l@infoserv.inist.fr
Cc: Ann Okerson
Call for Papers: Satellite Meeting
Theme: Libraries as Publishers: Building a Global Community
Sponsored by the IFLA Section on Acquisition and Collection Development
Co-sponsored by the IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources
Collaborators: Library Publishing Coalition and the University of Michigan Library
Conference Website: http://iflalibpub.org/
Date: August 10 (5 p.m.) -August 12, 2016 (concluding 2 p.m.)
Venue: University of Michigan; 190 miles from Columbus, Ohio. This is an easy drive, and various forms of transport are available, including the Detroit airport, 30 minutes away. Additional information provided on request.
Call for Proposals and Papers:
Libraries are engaging, with increasing success, in the dissemination of original scholarly and literary materials. Both public and academic libraries are becoming publishers for their communities. Over the last few years, the number of libraries with a commitment
to publishing has grown substantially, with both academic and public libraries finding a strong demand for their services. The latest Library Publishing Directory profiles more than 115 libraries with active publishing programs, most in North America but
an increasing number in other continents. A global community of library publishers is forming, and this meeting provides the ideal opportunity to meet with colleagues from around the world to identify common themes, brainstorm about shared challenges, and
identify future opportunities for information exchange and collaboration.
The program will comprise three half-day sessions titled "Understanding the Vision," "Implementing the Vision," and "Sustaining and Growing the Vision."
We invite proposals in English (up to 300 words) for 10-15 minute presentations addressing topics that align with one of the three session themes. Examples of such topics might include (but are by no means limited to):
● Reflecting on the outcomes of a specific library publishing program or project
● The emerging impact/role of library-published work in collection development
● Launching a small, open-access journal from within a library
● How a library publishing program or individual publication can achieve financial sustainability
● The role of the library in meeting scholars’ obligations to freely disseminate their work
● The role of the library in supporting innovation in digital scholarship/publishing
● Opportunities for collaboration between university libraries and university presses
● Case studies of existing projects
We welcome submissions from around the globe and particularly those from outside of North America.
Important Dates:
● 4 March 2016: Deadline to submit paper proposals to: https://iflalibpub.submittable.com/submit
● 31 March 2016: Notification to submitters
● 1 June April 2016: Deadline for authors to submit completed papers
Satellite Planning & Programme Committee:
Ann Okerson, Chair, IFLA Section on Acquisition and Collection Development
Sharon Dyas-Correia, Chair, IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources
Maria Bonn, Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences, University of Illinois
Sarah Lippincott, Program Director, Library Publishing Coalition
Charles Watkinson, Associate University Librarian for Publishing, University of Michigan
Rebecca Welzenbach, Director of Strategic Integration and Partnerships, Michigan Publishing