From: ASAPbio
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023, 18:33
Subject: July Community Call, Crowd Preprint Review and ASAPbio survey.
Learn about the recognition of preprints in research assessment during our
Community Call.
ASAPbio newsletter July 2023
*Community Call, Crowd Preprint Review & more*
July 2023 Community Call: Driving recognition of preprints in research
The recognition of preprints by publishers has been a significant step in
preprints becoming common in the life sciences. In more recent years,
funding bodies and hiring committees have implemented policies recognizing
preprints as valid research outputs and as evidence in grant or job
Our speakers will discuss how funders are recognizing preprints in research
and researcher assessment and why this is such an important step for equity
and diversity efforts.
- Hannah Hope, Open research lead, Wellcome Trust
- Needhi Bhalla, Professor, University of California Santa Cruz
Join us on *Wednesday, 26 July, 9am San Francisco / 12pm New York / 4pm UTC
/ 5pm London / 6pm Berlin / 9:30pm Mumbai*
Register for the Community Call
Survey on preprints and graduation requirements
ASAPbio is gathering information regarding preprints and graduation
requirements. If you have 5 minutes, please help us by completing the
survey and sharing it with your colleagues.
The intended audience for this survey is researchers and administrators at
research institutions without geographic restrictions. This survey is
anonymous unless you elect to provide your contact information.
If you would like to learn more about the survey, please read the blog post
The survey is available in English,
and Polish.
Take the survey!
Crowd preprint review is back!
Sign up to participate in one of the 5 groups led by ASAPbio Fellows.
in honing your peer review skills while providing feedback to preprint
authors? Then join one of our preprint review crowds! We are accepting
applications on a rolling basis.
This year our crowd preprint review activities will include five groups
that will provide feedback on preprints in the following areas:
- Molecular and cellular neurobiology: focus on neurodevelopment and
- Cancer biology: Biochemical, molecular and cellular studies in
relation to cancer
- Computational neuroscience: Computational, theoretical and data-driven
approaches in understanding brain function
- Meta-research: Practices, policies & infrastructure on open science
and scholarship e.g. preprints, open access, open education, research impact
- *New*! Metabolism: Regulation of metabolic homeostasis and
pathophysiology of metabolic diseases, from cell biology to integrative
*Send your preprint to receive feedback. *
Have you posted a preprint in one of the above categories and would like to
receive feedback?
We are calling on preprints authors to submit their preprints to be
reviewed by researchers as a part of the Crowd Preprint Review!
If you are interested, please email
Learn more and sign up!
Meet the 2023 ASAPbio Fellows
*The ASAPbio Fellows program provides participants with tools and skills to
drive discussions about the productive use of preprints, and to become
ASAPbio representatives for their communities. Each month, we'll feature a
few of the 2023 Fellows so you can get to know them. *
*Chenyue Jiao*
I am a PhD student in School of Information Sciences at University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign. My research interest lies in scholarly
communication where I study research data sharing and reuse.
I am excited to be a 2023 ASAPbio Fellow because of the connections and
collaborations with distinguished scholars and potential contributions to
preprints in life sciences.
*Garima Jain*
Currently, I am serving as Principal Investigator at Banaras Hindu
University in Varanasi, India. This project involves identifying and
profiling urine miRNAs to develop an early diagnosis of prostate cancer.
I believe that preprints have the potential to revolutionize the way
research is disseminated and accelerate scientific progress.
My larger objective is to advocate for the recognition of preprints as
equivalent to published work by government bodies, which would help remove
barriers to the wider adoption of preprints in the research community.
*Sheiliza Carmali*
I am currently a lecturer in Protein Therapeutics at the School of
Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast (UK). My research interests are in the
use of synthetic approaches to modulate protein activity and address
current unmet needs in human health.
I joined the ASAPbio Fellows program because I am interested in the
implementation of open science to drive more transparency and facilitate
dissemination into wider scientific community.
*Yueh Cho*
I am a senior postdoc fellow at the Institute of Plant and Microbial
Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, majoring in plant biology with expertise
in protein homeostasis.
I believe that transparency and efficiency of communication in the
scientific community are as important as the integrity and process of
research in your own group.
Open science will become the future standard for us to share knowledge with
others, and the ASAPbio Fellows program provides an opportunity to be
involved in the acceleration of science.
News roundup
'Ben Barres Spotlight Awards: Applications open for 2023'
$5,000 award for researchers from underrepresented backgrounds or from
countries with limited funding. "The awards are open to eligible authors of
publicly reviewed preprints, as well as authors who have published
peer-reviewed articles or Reviewed Preprints with eLife."
'Reading and Scientific Evaluation of Articles and Pre-Prints',
a University of São Paulo course.
'ALPSP Impact and Innovation Awards 2023: Shortlists announced'
eLife's new publishing model of peer-reviewed preprints has been
shortlisted for the Association of Learned and Professional Society
Publishers (ALPSP) Impact Award.
'New related articles feature'
on Sciety "shows you relevant preprints to the one you’ve just read"
'Facilitated Preprint Posting is now available for Lab Protocols at PLOS ONE'
Announcement from PLOS ONE about expanding the partnership with the
preprint server bioRxiv to include Lab Protocols.
'Some remarks on peer review and preprints'
Editorial from SciELO outlining the brief history of peer review, it's
shortcomings, why and how we can improve it.
A sign-up form
anyone interested in starting and maintaining a community-based,
post-publication peer review and recommendation system through a new Peer
Community In in topics that relate to plant sciences / photosynthetic
organisms / phototrophs biology, including marine photosynthetic organisms.
'Communicating Science: Analysis of the Push for Open Access'
A blog post from the International Science Council about the history and
recent developments in the Open Science movement.
'The Rise Of Preprints In The Biomedical Sciences: Implications For
Research Publishers'
A blog post from Impact Science about the growing interest in preprints in
biomedical sciences and how it impacts journals and publishers.
'Preprints as a medium for public debate on the COVID-19 pandemic:
Observations on the blurring of internal and external scientific
Preprint evaluating commenting on preprints by specialists and
non-specialists on preprint servers and Twitter.
'Preprints become papers less often when the authors are from lower-income
An article from Nature about the inequities between lower- and
higher-income countries regarding the ratio of preprints followed by a
journal publication.
*ASAPbio will participate in*
James Fraser, Jessica Polka, and Madeleine Rostad will host a series of 20’
preprint Q&A sessions at the ASAPbio booth during the Protein Society
Annual Symposium
Each session will begin with a brief introduction to a recent preprint
posted by the conference presenter, followed by a Q&A.
*July 13-July 16, 2023*
*Other events*
HighWire Press’s Best Practice webinar
will explore innovations in preprint peer review and supporting
technology DocMaps, and MECA.
Webinar panelists will include representatives from the preprint servers
(bioRxiv and medRxiv) and the peer review services (Review Commons and Peer
Community In).
*July 17, 10am – noon ET *
DocMaps Launch Community Event
will learn about DocMaps (overview of DocMaps, project aims, etc.) and see
a demo of the DocMaps toolkit's key components using biology preprints.
Speakers include representatives from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,
eLife, EMBO, and Europe PMC.
*July 19th, 2023 at 11 am EDT*
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