Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 09:59:23 +0530
From: Dr Ramesh C Gaur
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
in collaboration with
Satinder Kaur Ramdev Memorial Trust for Advancement of Librarianship
cordially invites you to the
Seminar on "Future of Libraries"
Satkal Annual Function-2011
on Saturday, the 27th August, 2011 at 9.30 a.m.
Auditorium, IGNCA, C.V. Mess, Janpath, New Delhi
Chief Guest
Mrs. Shailaja Chandra
Chairperson, Delhi Library Board (DPL), New Delhi
Guest of Honour
Prof. S.Ansari
Former University Librarian, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Jagdish Arora
Director, INFLIBNET, Ahmedabad
Mr. V.B. Pyarelal
Joint Secretary, IGNCA will preside over the function
Dr. Ramesh C. Gaur Prof.Jagindar Singh Ramdev
Librarian & HoD- Kala Nidhi, IGNCA Patron-in-Chief, SATKAL
Organizing Secretary (+91 (0) 11-23388333) +1 847 543 7565 (USA)
Registration: 9.00 am-10.00 am
Inaugural Session- 10.00 am to 11.30 am
Lighting of Lamp
Saraswati Vandana
Welcome Address and introduction to the Seminar by Dr. Ramesh C. Gaur,
Librarian, IGNCA
About SATKAL Trust - by Prof. Jagtar Singh, Professor and Head, DLIS, PU,
Message from Prof. Jagindar Singh Ramdev -By Mr. B R Kashyap, President,
Address by Guest of Honour - Prof. S Ansari, Former University Librarian,
JMI, New Delhi
Address by Chief Guest- Mrs. Shailaja Chandra, Chairperson, Delhi Public
Library Board
Keynote address "Future of Libraries" by Dr. Jagdish Arora,
Presidential address- Shri V B Pyarelal, JS, IGNCA
Conferring of SATKAL Awards 2011 to the following Awardees:
Dr. Jagdish Arora, Director, Inflibnet Centre, Ahmedabad: SATKAL Lifetime
Achievement Award
Prof. Dr. I. V. Malhan, Prof. & Head, DLIS, CUHP, Dharamshala: National
Librarian Award
Dr. Mrs. P. Wijetunge, Librarian, University of Peradania, Sri Lanka:
Woman Librarian Award
Dr. K.P. Singh, DLIS, University of Delhi, Delhi: Young Librarian Award
Mr. Harish Kumar, School Librarian Award
Vote of Thanks
11.30 to 12.00 p.m. Tea Break
12.00 to 1.30 p.m. Panel Discussion -I on "Future of Libraries: Road
Chairperson: Prof. P.B. Mangla, Retd. Professor, D.U. New Delhi
Co-Chairperson Dr. H.K. Kaul, Director, DELNET, New Delhi*
Panelists: Mrs. Kalpana Dasgupta, Retd. Director, CSL, New Delhi
Dr. M.C. Ragavan, UNESCO Expert, New Delhi
Prof. J.L. Sardana, Retd. Professor, D.U., New Delhi*
Dr S M Dhawan, Retd.Scientist NPL, New Delhi*
Dr. (Mrs.) Pradeepa Wijetunge, Librarian, University of Peradania, Srilanka
Dr. Usha Munshi, Librarian, IIPA, New Delhi
Dr. I.V. Malhan, Professor Prof. & Head, DLIS, CUHP, Dharamshala
1.30 to 2.30 p.m. Lunch Break
2.30 to 4.00 p.m. Panel Discussion II: on "Innovative Library Services in
Digital Era"
Chairperson: Dr. R K Chadha , Joint Secretary, Parliament of India
Co-chairperson: Prof. R . L Raina, Professor & Dean, IIM, Lucknow*
Panelists: Dr. Jagtar Singh, Professor and Head, DLIS ,PU, Patiala
Dr. A L Moorthy, Director, DESIDOC, New Delhi*
Dr. P.R. Goswami, Director CSL, New Delhi
Dr. S. Majumdar, Librarian, IIC, New Delhi
Dr. Sudhir Kr. Arora, Librarian, IGNOU, New Delhi
Mr. Subhash Deshmukh, Librarian, IP University, New Delhi
Dr. H.S. Chopra, Librarian, GNDU, Amritsar
Dr. Raj Kumar, Librarian, PU, Chandigarh
Dr. Ramesh C Gaur
PGDCA, MLISc,Ph.D. Fulbright Scholar (Virginia Tech, USA)
Librarian & Head-Kala Nidhi Division
Coordinator- ABIA International Index Project
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts(IGNCA)
(An Autonomous Trust under Ministry of Culture. Govt. of India)
11 Man Singh Road, New Delhi-110001
Phone: 91-11-23388333, 23385884
Fax: 91-11-23385884