Andhra Pradesh Library Association National Conference, 10-12 April, 2014, Vijayawada

Dear Professionals, Andhra Pradesh Library Association Centenary Celebrations Committee is organizing a 3-day National Conference on Role of Library Associations in Promoting Information Literacy in the Knowledge Society, 10-12 April, 2014, Vijayawada. Conference VolumeA post conference volume will be brought out by APLA with the papers presented at the conference with ISBN.Note 1: Generalized writings are to be avoided.Note 2: Organizers will have the right to accept or reject a paperNote 3: Plagiarism check will be carried out for the Papers SubmittedSubmission of Papers can be made electronically in MS Word Document (12pt. Times New Roman) to How to RegisterRegistration can be done in advance by drawing a DD of Rs. 600/- in favour of Organizing Secretary, APLACCC, Vijayawada and send the same with the filled in Registration form. They can also register at on the spot registration counter available at the venue on all the days of the conference from 9 am to 5 p.m. Accompanying persons will be charged a fee of Rs. 500/-. Retired Librariansand Students of Library Science get a 25% discount on the registration fee. The Registration fee covers Breakfast, Lunch, Tea and Dinner. Cancellation of the Registration is not entertained. You may also pay the registration amount through online.The details are given hereunder:Name of the Bank : Canara Bank, PatamataName of the Account : APLACCCAccount No.: 0892101026014IFSC No. : CNRB0000892Photo copy of the online payment shall be attached to the registration form. AccommodationThe Organizing Committee will arrange hostel accommodation to the participants who opt for it. An Accommodation Fee of Rs. 200/- is charged for this purpose. ContactDr. Raavi SaradaOrganizing Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Library Association Centenary CelebrationsCommittee, Sri Sarvottama Bhavanam, Patamata,Vijayawada 520 010. Andhra PradeshPh: 0866 2472313, 2487296 Mobile: +91 9393477313e-mail:, Website: You can download conference brochure here. Regards, Indira --------------------------- Dr. Indira Koneru e-Learning Administrator & Trainer IBS India -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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Dr. Indira Koneru