Fwd: [SIGMETRICS] Furner J. "Little book, big book: before and after Little science, big science: a review article, Part I and II" JOURNAL OF LIBRARIANSHIP AND INFORMATION SCIENCE 35 (2): 115-125 JUN 2003 and 35 (3): 189-201 SEP 2003

MUST READING FOR FANS OF DEREK JOHN DESOLLA PRICE. IN THE NEAR FUTURE WE ARE POSTING DEREK'S COMPLETE CV AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. Eugene Garfield garfield@codex.cis.upenn.edu ----- J. Furner : jfurner@ucla.edu Author's Website : http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/jfurner/jfurner.html List of Publications by J. Furner : http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/jfurner/jfurner.html Here is a two-part article that appeared in J. Lib. Info Sci. These are available as pdf files at : http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/jfurner/03jolis-pt1- compact.pdf - Part I http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/jfurner/03jolis-pt2-compact.pdf - Part II ___________ full text pdf file : http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/jfurner/03jolis-pt1-compact.pdf TITLE Little book, big book: before and after Little science, big science: a review article, Part I AUTHOR Furner J SOURCE JOURNAL OF LIBRARIANSHIP AND INFORMATION SCIENCE 35 (2): 115-125 JUN 2003 Document type: Review Language: English Cited References: 62 Times Cited: 0 Abstract: Since its publication in 1963, Derek Price's Little science, big science (LSBS) has achieved 'citation classic' status. Examination of the genesis of LSBS and the state of the discipline of the history of science in the UK and the USA in the late 1950s demonstrates that Price's ideas were formulated during a pivotal period in the development of socio-historical studies of science. Price's talent for innovation and synthesis at an unsettled but highly charged time, and his appreciation of the pioneering work in science studies of the crystallographer J.D. Bernal, are reflected in the uniquely profound and wide-ranging respects in which LSBS has contributed to the development of scientometric and sociological theory. KeyWords Plus: HISTORY, SOCIOLOGY Addresses: Furner J, Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Informat Studies, 300 Young Dr N,Mailbox 951520, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Informat Studies, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA ________ http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/jfurner/03jolis-pt2-compact.pdf TITLE Little book, big book: before and after little science, big science: a review article, Part II AUTHOR Furner J SOURCE JOURNAL OF LIBRARIANSHIP AND INFORMATION SCIENCE 35 (3): 189-201 SEP 2003 Document type: Review Language: English Cited References: 74 Times Cited: 0 Abstract: A bibliometric analysis, updating Garfield's previous study of 1985, shows that Derek Price's Little science, big science (LSBS) has been cited on more than 1,500 occasions since its publication in 1963. Content analysis of these citations shows that Price's work has inspired the formation and subsequent development of several distinct communities of scholarly practice, including the history, sociology, politics and 'science' of science. In library and information science, LSBS is best remembered for its model of the exponential growth of scientific literature. Recent scientometric work has demonstrated that other mathematical models may prove a better fit to data on the actual growth of the literature in various fields; of these alternatives, the power model is most commonly invoked as an all-purpose descriptor of growth processes in electronic communication systems such as the Web. Price's work thus retains its relevance, 40 years on, for the webometricians of today. KeyWords Plus: SQUARE-ROOT LAW, GROWTH, OBSOLESCENCE, SIZE, COLLABORATION, PRODUCTIVITY, NETWORKS, LIBRARY, IMPACT, NUMBER Addresses: Furner J, Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Informat Studies, 300 Young Dr N,Mailbox 951520, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Informat Studies, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA Does your mail provider give you FREE antivirus protection? Get Yahoo! Mail http://uk.mail.yahoo.com
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Subbiah Arunachalam