2nd Call for papers to LISACON-2020 and Conference Attractions

Dear Professional Friends, LIS Academy, Bangalore in collaboration with University of Hyderabad (UoH), Hyderabad is organizing 3rd LIS Academy conference on “Reinventing Excellence in Librarianship”. The conference will be held at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad during 27-29 August 2020. The conference organizers are inviting papers on conference theme and sub themes as under: Conference Theme: Reinventing Excellence in Librarianship Conference Sub-themes: Reinventing Library Services in Digital Age: Discovery and retrieval services; Archiving and Networked Services; Web based information services; User profiling services; Research data management services; Research support services; New Paradigms in Collection Development User Focused Collection Development; Collaborative collection development; Innovative content acquisition models; Open access and collection development polices; New perspectives in collection assessment; Changing Content Types & Formats; Content Licensing; Leveraging Library Technologies: Converging library technologies; Open source tools; Library technologies & ERP integration; Social media platforms; Protocols and interoperability; Data visualization tools; Data, Metrics and Ranking: Role of Librarians Data aggregation Sources & Models; Publication metrics for ranking & accreditation; Usage metrics driven decision making; Libraries in Inculcating Research Ethics Research integrity; Research misconduct; Publication ethics; Predatory publishing; Plagiarism; Institutes research integrity policies; Library Diplomacy Libraries as Instruments of Cultural Diplomacy; Libraries reflecting their national heritage; Library diplomacy to globalize libraries; Libraries as foreign policy; Smart Technologies for Public Libraries Maker Space; Augmented reality; Multimedia books; Digital maker labs; Coding Clubs; Digital story telling; Digital interfaces for printed books; Social, and innovation hubs; Publication Guidelines: For Publication Guidelines, formatting guidelines and paper template authors are requested to visit conference website: http://lisaconf3.lisacademy.org/ OR http://www.lisacademy.org/) Important Dates: Submission of abstract of the paper:15/05/2020 Notification of acceptance of the abstract: 30/05/2020 Submission of Full length paper:30/06/2020 Notification of Acceptance of full length paper:10/07/2020 Submission of camera ready paper along with registration details:24/07/2020 Conference Attractions: 1. Best three accepted papers selected by expert committee will be considered as invited papers. The registration fee for these authors will waived off and they will be extended free local hospitality. 2. Best paper awards for the papers presented in the conference: 3 best papers will be awarded based on recommendations of the Expert committee and conference poll 3. Library quiz program during conference and prizes will be awarded to winner 4. Presenting your library success Story telling through PechaKucha (for more Information on PechaKucha kindly visit Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZJc8PB2DsQ), best PechaKucha presentation will be awarded cash prize and certificate with memento (subject to submission of minimum five PechaKucha presentations). Registration Details: Early bird registration before 20th July 2020 International Participants $75 SAARC &ASEAN Countries Participants $50 Working Professionals Rs. 2000 General professionals: Rs. 2000 Student Participants: Rs. 1000 TLA members Rs. 1000 Registration after 20th July 2020 International Participants $100 SAARC &ASEAN Countries Participants $75 Working Professionals Rs. 2500 General professionals: Rs. 2000 Student Participants: Rs. 1500 TLA members Rs. 1500 Spot Registration: All International Participants: $100 All Participants: Rs. 2500 Accommodations not included in the registration Fee, However, organizers will facilitate accommodation on twin sharing basis for the first come first serve on additional payment. For any clarifications / details contact: lisacademyorg@gmail.com With warm regards, Dr. P. V. Konnur Former LIS Professor, Fulbright Scholar - (UIUC, USA)Adviser - VTU Consortium, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi - 590 018, Chairman - State Level Book Selection Committee, Karnataka President - LIS Academy, Bangalore Member of Syndicate, KUVEMPU University, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India Mobile : 09449679737 E-Mail : pvkonnur@gmail.com Website: www.lisacademy.org
participants (1)
Pandurang Konnur