Fwd: Governor General of Canada Merit Award
Dear Professional friends, One of our fellow professionals Dr Venkateshwerlu (native of Tenali, andhra Pradesh) working at University of Windsor, got the Governor General of Canada Award for his contributions and distinguished service both with in and outside Canada. It is a matter of pride to all Indian professionals. On behalf of the professionals from India, I congratulate Dr.Venkateshwerlu for his achievements. He had sponsored and managing a orphanage in Tenali for last two decades. Dr.Venkateshwerlu garu -- We are proud of u. We wish u many such awards and achievements. LAXMAN RAO Subject: Governor General of Canada Merit Award Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2003 18:04:47 -0400
--------------------------------- Dear friends: I thought of sharing the news with friends who have known me and associated with me for many years. The Government of Canada has accorded me the national honour in the form of Governor General of Canada Merit Award.The award giving ceremony takes place in Ottawa in November. The award recognises the contributions I have made over the years both within Canada and abroad. Thank you. T.Venkateswarlu University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4 Canada ===== Prof.N.LAXMAN RAO, Dept.of Library & Information Science, Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA) President, Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science (IATLIS). Ph:+91-40-27171565 (res): +91-40- 27682290 (off) e:mail-- naglaxman@yahoo.com OR naglaxman@indiatimes.com ________________________________________________________________________ Want to chat instantly with your online friends? Get the FREE Yahoo! Messenger http://mail.messenger.yahoo.co.uk
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Prof. N. Laxman Rao.