MILAN invited talk 'How to get it published in reputed publications' - Summary

Dear Professionals, Greetings from MILAN Mysore and trust this email finds you well. Mysore University Information and Library Science Alumni Network (MILAN - ) organized an invited talk (Virtual Mode) on "How to get it published in reputed publications" by MILANer Dr. Manju Naika, Chief Library Officer, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) on Saturday, May 1, 2021. *Sharing the summary of the talk for your kind information. * Dr. Manju Naika began his presentation with the role of Librarians in helping users and discussed India's current global position in terms of research publications. The speaker emphasised the need to assist users by offering training programs in best publishing practices, such as author seminars, centralized language editing, and familiarising new generations of users with current research resources and global research practices. Dr. Naika opined that it is the librarian's responsibility to create awareness about how to avoid plagiarism and publishing in predatory journals amongst their users. Sharing his experience, the speaker said the next emerging field in scholarly communication is scholarly content in multimedia format like video journals, video articles etc. Dr. Manju Naika emphasized the need to establish contact with users which is critical to librarians' success in the modern era. Data visualization, Data analytics services are in demand, and librarian's should use the opportunity to provide such assistance. The speaker opined that libraries are notorious for having diminishing budgets, but now, due to the real estate boom, there is a demand for library space from others, so unless librarians take the required measures, retaining library space would be the next obstacle. To contend with, Dr. Manju suggested that librarians should work proactively to increase library resource utilisation and user footfalls. After the presentation, a lively discussion took place with the participants, and the speaker answered all the questions raised by the users with suitable examples. Dr. Sunil MV, Executive Committee (EC) Member, MILAN, welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker. Dr. Shalini R. Urs, President, MILAN, shared perspectives on the topic. Dr. Meera, B.M., Secretary, MILAN, presented the vote of thanks. The EC Members and MILANers were present. Regards, Dr. Sunil M.V. EC Member, MILAN Head - Academic Administration, SDMIMD, Mysore Ph: 0821 - 2429722 / 2420490 | Mobile: 9986439832 Webpage: Please consider the environment before printing this message ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Sunil M.V