National Seminar on Knowledge Representation & Information Retrieval

Apologies for cross-postings ----------------------------- National Seminar on Knowledge Representation & Information Retrieval Dates: March 22-24, 2006 Venue: DRTC, Bangalore, India Organized by Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Bangalore 560059 The digital medium including the World Wide Web is increasingly being used for scholarly information repositories and for scholarly communication. It is important in this context to advance conceptual work in knowledge organization for all purposes, including databases, digital libraries, and the Internet, and to develop effective mechanisms for information organization and retrieval. Research in this area has adopted several new approaches that include: enhancing the structure and content of digital resources, improving the capabilities of search engines, adapting traditional knowledge organizational tools for the digital environment, developing new tools for knowledge organization, etc. This seminar will focus on these aspects. Call for Papers: Papers addressing the above aspects of Knowledge Organization research and practice are welcome. The themes identified include (but are not limited to) the following: 1. Traditional systems of knowledge organization in the digital environment 2. New forms of knowledge organization: Ontologies and knowledge ordering; Transforming traditional systems to newer forms 3. Multilingual problems of information retrieval 4. Knowledge Organization in corporate information systems 5. Standards; Metadata sets, Markup Languages, Knowledge Organization for Multimedia Information 6. Semantic Web 7. Case studies showcasing research, experiments and ongoing projects in the area Participants: 1. Library & Information Community-teachers, researchers and practitioners 2. Representatives from the information industry, specially those involved in digital content creation for the Web 3. Researchers from Computer Science, particularly those involved in R & D work related to search engines, ontologies, etc Those who intend to present papers are requested to send the papers as attachments in OpenOffice or MS-Word format via E-mail to Dr. K.S Raghavan at the following E-mail IDs. with cc to The last date for submission of papers is 31st January 2006. Registration fee: The registration fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) per participant should be sent in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of "Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore", payable at Bangalore along with the registration form The Registration Fee covers the cost of Seminar Kit Working Lunch and Tea Last Date for Registration 28th February 2006 Accommodation: Accommodation for a limited number of participants can be arranged at the ISI Guesthouse at a nominal cost (charges as per the rules of the Institute) on a first-come-first-served basis. The filled in Registration form may please be mailed to: Dr. K.S Raghavan Convener DRTC Seminar on Knowledge Representation & Information Retrieval Indian Statistical Institute 8th Mile Mysore Road, R.V. College Post Bangalore 560 059 Phone: 080-28483002 / 03 / 04 / 05 Ext: 492 Fax: 91 80 28484265 Email: Registration Form 1) Name: 2) Designation: 3) Address: 4) Telephone Number: Office: _____________Res: _______________ Mobile: _______________________________ E-mail: ________________________________ 5) Accommodation required: Yes / No Arrival Information: 6) Demand Draft No: Bank: Amount: Date: Signature of the Signature of the Sponsoring Authority Participant Date: Date: Place: Place:
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