Right to information act; jobs should be provided for library science background

Dear sir/madam, Finally a good news for citizens of india and also for Library and information science professionals because govt of india has passed the much awaited Bill i.e Right to information. In this regard i would like to share my opinion on giving jobs to people with Library science background. Since we people have already experience in handling and disseminationg information, it will be wise to give jobs related to information for information professionals. I hope govt which has neglected Libray science professionals all these days should open its eye and think in providing jobs to library people. We should all unite and fight for this cause. Hope for the best. B.srinivasulu. IKM Trainee NCSI Bangalore-12 -- _______________________________________________ Search for businesses by name, location, or phone number. -Lycos Yellow Pages http://r.lycos.com/r/yp_emailfooter/http://yellowpages.lycos.com/default.asp...
participants (1)
srini vasulu