Walk to the book, March to the library - Congratulations

Dear Professionals, Congratulations to all those responsible for "Walk to the book, March to the library" event. Kodos to KALA and others who have jointly organised the event. They have, in my opinion, payed a befitting tribute this year to Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in innovative way. The even has inspired not only those who participated but also those who have seen the reports in TV or newspapers. The slogan itself is meaningful, inspiring and attractive. These kinds of movements play an important role to spread the cause of libraries in India. In my opinion the event is an eye opener for many who are wary about libraries. It is to the credit of the organizers who have managed to bring to the occasion people from different walks of life including the first citizen of Karnataka - Sri. H. Bharadwaj, the honorable Vice-Chancellor of University of Mysore Prof. V.G. Talawar; and other literary giants, academicians, information professionals, politicians, students and public. ‘Walk to the book…’ movement should not stop here. Other associations in various cities of India can emulate similar kinds of public awareness programmes about libraries. Many of the current activities of the associations are rather elite in nature and probably not reaching the public at large. I think, in addition to what they are doing, these kinds of events increase the utility of libraries. -- N.S. Harinarayana Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore, Manasagangotri Mysore 570 006 Off. Ph: (0821) 2419393 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
N.S. Harinarayana