IFLA - NIFT Conference 2011: Call for Papers
*National **Institute** of **Fashion** Technology, **New Delhi** * *in collaboration with IFLA - Art Libraries Section * Organises *ICLAM 2011 (*International conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums) *February 15 to 17, 2011** Venue : **India** International Centre**, **New Delhi* *Theme : User Empowerment through Digital Technologies * *Highlights * - Selected papers will be published in reputed International Journals - Edited book (with ISBN) of accepted papers will be published by a leading Publisher *NIFT - ICLAM* - Unique international conference of Librarians, Archivists & Conservators to promote digital convergence of the memory institutions - Tutorials by leading Academicians & Industry experts - World renowned Academicians, Professionals, Freelancers & Entrepreneurs will share their ideas & experiences - Special session by Wikimedia - Special day of parallel sessions on Preservation of Heritage Resources *LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACT **21 NOVEMBER 2010*** * * *LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF COMPLETE PAPER **15 DECEMBER 2010*** * * *About the Conference**:** * User empowerment is critical to the development of all information organizations, i.e. libraries, archives and museums. The goal of technological innovations in information services is to enhance the sense of participation and control of IT-empowered users, who easily metamorphose from consumers to creators of information. Libraries, archives and museums, collectively known as memory institutions, are continuously empowering their systems and services with dynamic digital technologies to meet the increasing expectations of users. Information service providers throughout the world are striving to strike a balance between traditional organizational control strategies and user empowerment initiatives. In pursuit of empowerment of users, the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) has collaborated with the Art Libraries Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) to organize an international conference from 15th to 17th February, 2011 in New Delhi. The theme of the conference is ‘*User empowerment through digital technologies’. * This conference will offer a forum to deliberate on issues related to user empowerment in libraries, archives and museums, now developing into a unified knowledge repository through digital convergence. This is the first conference in the series titled *“International conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums (ICLAM)”* and NIFT’s third initiative to promote cross-sectoral collaborations in the knowledge sector in India. During the conference all stakeholders contributing to the convergence of libraries, archives and museums will analyze the theme of empowerment of users from multiple perspectives – ranging from user interface and digital preservation technologies to rights of the users and empowerment of disadvantaged user communities. The issue of empowerment is also related to affordability and sustainability of digital technologies particularly in this age of financial instability. Library & Information professionals, archivists and conservators, as end users of open source and commercial software, will discuss trends and problems specific to their own sectors. Leading professionals, academicians and entrepreneurs will also exchange views on other issues related to technological, infrastructural and organizational developments including partnerships in the knowledge sector. *EMINENT *Speakers CALL FOR PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS * * *Dr. Dinesh Katre* Group Coordinator, Centre for Development of Advance Computing, Pune India www.cdac.in * * *Mr. GussVan der Brekel* Coordinator, Electronic Services Central Medical Library Netherlands * * *Ms. Heather Brown* Asstt. Director Artlab Australia www.artlabaustralia.com.au * * *Dr. Jagdish Arora* Director, INFLIBNET Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India www.inflibnet.ac.in * * *Prof. Jagtar Singh* Department of Library and Information Science Punjabi University India www.punjabiuniversity.ac.in * * *Dr. Jan Simane* Chair & Treasurer, Art Libraries Section -IFLA Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florenz Italy www.khi.fi.it * * *Ms. Lucile Trunel* Literature and Art Department, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, France www.bnf.fr * * *Mr. Martin Flynn* National Art Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, London UK www.vam.ac.uk * * *Ms. Maureen Burns* President Visual Resources Association, USA www.vraweb.org * * *Prof. P.B. Mangla* Former HoD, Department of Library and Information Science Delhi University, India www.du.ac.in * * *Mr. Pratapanand Jha* Director (Cultural Informatics Lab.) Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts New Delhi, India www.ignca.nic.in * * *Dr. R. K. Chaddha* Joint Secretary Parliament Library, New Delhi, India *Mr. Rolf Kallman* Head of Department Swedish National Heritage Resources Board, Sweden * * *Dr. S. Majumdar* Librarian University of Delhi, India www.du.ac.in * * *Mr. S. P. Singh* Retd. Director (Conservation) National Museum, New Delhi, India www.nationalmuseumindia.gov.in * * *Prof. Shalini Urs* Executive Director, ISIM University of Mysore, India www.uni-mysore.ac.in * * *Prof. T. Viswanathan* Former Director, INSDOC (now NISCAIR) www.niscair.res.in *More names of Speakers will be added soon…….*** *Call for Papers* Papers and presentations are invited on the following topics related to each listed sub-theme (in bold): (More sub-themes and topics will be added. Papers on related topics are also welcome) *Emergence of the Technology-Empowered Users:* - Changing roles of Users in Libraries, Archives & Museums - Information seeking behaviour of Users : Emerging Trends - New roles & identities for Librarians, Archivists & Conservators *Empowering Users of Libraries, Archives & Museums:* - User Interface Technologies : Emerging Trends - Social Media for Empowerment: Web2.0 & beyond - Management of User-generated contents in Libraries & Museums *Building Information Repositories : Emerging Trends in Technologies* - Digital Preservation Technologies : Emerging Trends - Building Institutional Repositories : Strategies for future - Open Source vs. Commercial software * * *Re-defining Rights of Users of Libraries : Perspectives of Creators, Mediators and Users* - Freedom of Access to Information - Copyright & Fair Use - IPR & Digital resources *Serving the Empowered Users in Libraries & Information Centres* - Relevance of Conventional Library services to Web - empowered Users - Information Literacy Programmes - Special services for Users with Special Needs - Marketing information services to the empowered users - Branding & Promoting Institutional repositories *Open Access Publishing : A tool for Empowerment* - Open Access Publishing of Books - Scholarly Communication & Open Access Publishing - Sustainability of Open Access Initiatives - Future of e-journals & e-books : Emerging Integrated format *Bridging the Digital Divide** among Users : Roles of Libraries & Information Centres* - Economic barriers to Information Access - Empowerment of Disadvantaged User Communities - Roles of Public Libraries & Information Centres in the Rural Sector - Transcending the language barriers through digital technologies *Partnerships for Empowerment & Libraries* - Sustainable Digitisation Projects - Public & Private Partnerships for Digit al Libraries - Consortium model of Co-operation *From Collaboration to Convergence:* - Networking of Libraries, Museums, Archives and Beyond *One day of Special Parallel Sessions on Heritage Resources in Art Libraries, Archives & Museums * *Cultural heritage** **in Art Libraries, Archives & Museums* - Culture of Heritage Preservation: Eastern & Western perspectives - Changing Patronage : Public & Private funding of Artists & Collections - How authentic is the Art work? The Collector’s nightmare - Marketing Strategies for Visual Resources - Art libraries in Asia & Africa : Problems & Prospects - Public Museums in Asia & Africa : Problems & Prospects - Archives in the Digital Age : Problems & Prospects * * *Digital Preservation of Cultural heritage* - Conservation of Art works & Handicrafts : Fusion of traditional techniques & modern technologies - Challenges of preservation of Rare books & Manuscripts - Archiving Exhibitions (including various forms of art) - Preserving ‘born digital’ heritage : Emerging trends - Virtual & Physical Environments in Museums - Revival of traditions through Digital Preservation * * *Special session** **on Conservation of Textiles * - Conservation of Historic Textiles : Emerging trends - Conservation of Contemporary Designer collections - Digital Photography of Textiles ( including 3-D photography) - Business of Textile Conservation - Conservator’s role in Revival of traditional Textile crafts * * * ICLAM-2011 offers following formats for presentations :* * * v *Papers in sessions: *Thematic sessions of presentation of written papers with power point presentations. v *Demonstrations:* Demonstrations of hands-on applications / techniques with or without power point presentations can be presented in special sessions for Art Libraries and Museums. v *Special interaction sessions: *Professional interaction sessions on relevant issues can be arranged on special requests for informal and non-commercial presentations of interactive manner. Presenters will be in-charge of these sessions and will facilitate discussions. * * *Guidelines for submission of papers :* · *All manuscripts should be unpublished original work and should be submitted with a covering letter signed by the author/s. *The letter should mention the theme and sub-theme under which the paper falls. Please refer to the list of sub-themes under 'Call for papers’. · The author/authors should provide following information: Þ Name/s, address of the institution, and author for correspondence along with telephone no., fax no. and e-mail id. · Paper should be submitted in MS Word (2000) format and of maximum 3000 words. Power point presentations without accompanying text will not be accepted as papers. · The Abstract and Paper should confirm the following guidelines: Þ Title of the paper (in bold 14 point font size & Times New Roman font type) Þ Full text and abstract should be single-spaced, A4 page size, 10 point font size, Times New Roman font type Þ Name(s) of author/s, their Institution, city and country Þ Abstract of approximately 150 words along with maximum five key words Þ Paragraph heading and sub-headings in bold 12 font size & may be numbered in bold. *· *The margins may be set as follows:-* * Þ Top: 3 cm Þ Bottom: 3.8 cm Þ Left: 3.8 cm Þ Right: 2.5 cm · Page numbers should be placed at the bottom of each page, centred on the width. Underlined words are to be set in italics. · Tables and figures may be numbered in Arabic numerals and sources cited clearly. These should appear in sequential order in the text. The corresponding tables or figures should either appear within the text or should be placed at the end of the article. · Maps and figures have to be given as reproducible artworks ready for press. · Follow the APA style of citation for all references and bibliographies. · Papers and presentations must be in English only since interpreters can not be provided. * * Who can participate? Library & Information professionals from special, academic & public libraries, conservators, IT professionals, publishers, authors, educators, students and all users of libraries, information centres, archives and visitors of museums from any part of the world can attend the conference. *REGISTRATION * *India & SAARC country delegates* * * *Fees per participant* *Remarks* Sponsored participant (Conference only) Rs.3500/- 20% *discount in case of more than three participants from same organization * One day participation Rs.1200/- Tutorial participation Rs.1000/- * * Sponsored participant (Tutorial & conference) Rs.4000/- * * Non-sponsored, students, retired professionals etc. participant (Conference only) Rs.1500/- *20% discount in case of more than three participants from same organization/department* * * *Rest of the world delegates* USD 150/- * * Tutorial participation USD 50/- * * v Registration fee includes conference kit, tea, lunch, copy of proceedings and dinner, whenever planned. v Registration fee is non-refundable. v Substitutes are permitted. v Registration fee does not include accommodation. v Registration will be confirmed only if the form is duly filled and payment is received in full. v Students can participate by sending their form through their institution. * * *Mode of payment:* * * v All payments from delegates will be accepted in Cash/ Local Cheque/ Demand Draft prepared in favour of NIFT Delhi, payable at Delhi. Please indicate clearly that the payment is remitted towards registration for ICLAM – 2011 with particulars of the delegate. Bank transaction charges may be included for outstation or international cheques along with the registration fee. *For further details please check the websites of NIFT* http://www.nift.ac.in/ICLAM_2011/index.htm & IFLA http://www.ifla.org/en/news/71 Contact persons : Dr. Sanjeev Kumar 011-26542004&2 Ms. Nandini Dutta 011-26542146/7 Email ids : *iclam2011@nift.ac.in; iclam2011@gmail.com*** -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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ICLAM 2011