Workshop on "Consortia Approach to Resource Sharing, 5th Feb. 04
WORKSHOP ON CONSORTIA APPROACH TO RESOURCE SHARING 5th February, 2004 Dear Colleagues, Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) is pleased to announce a one day intensive workshop on `Consortia Approach to Resource Sharing' on 5th February 2004 at DRTC. We are pleased to extend an invitation to you to participate as one of the delegates. Our objective is to get together professionals who are working in or towards consortia for information sharing and to leverage the existing knowledge, techniques and skills in this particular area. (see below - Programme). No registration fee will be charged and workshop materials will be provided by us. We will also be happy to extend local hospitality. However, we will not be able to provide TA. We hope that you will be able to accept our invitation and lend your expertise to the proceedings. A session (12.30 pm - 1.30 pm) is dedicated to presentations of case studies and experiences by delegates. We request you to kindly prepare a short presentation of your views for discussion at this session. Please send us a write-up including your role in a working consortium (or in planning and implementation of consortium) or relevant materials you wish to share with the delegates. Please confirm your participation with an email to with `consortium workshop registration' in the subject line no later than 2nd February 2004. Registration is on first-come-first-served basis for a maximum of 20 participants. Regards (Dr.Devika P. Madalli) Convenor, DRTC Workshop on Consortia ======================================================== WORKSHOP ON LIBRARY CONSORTIA FOR RESOURCE SHARING 5th February, 2004 Topics: Academic Library Consortia: Governance issues Consortium Models for information sharing among academic and research libraries Copyright issues in resource sharing consortia Planning and Financial management of Consortia Technology issues in implementation of Consortia Academia-industry collaborations Library consortia: Case studies P R O G R A M M E 9.30 am - 10 am : Registration 10 am - 10.30 am : Inaugural session 10.30 am - 11.30 am : Keynote Address 'Overview of Consortium approach to Information Access and Sharing' -- Prof. David Kohl, Senior Fulbright Specialist, Emeritus, University of Cincinnati 11.30 am - 12 noon : Tea Break 12 noon - 12.30 pm Presentation on 'Consortia - The Indian Scenario' -- Dr. Devika P. Madalli, Documentation Research and Training Centre, ISI, Bangalore-59 12.30- 1.30 pm : Individual presentations Delegates present case studies and experiences 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm : Lunch Break 2.30 pm - 4 pm : Panel Discussion Panelists maximum 8 members including : Prof. David Kohl (Chairman) Prof. Ravichandra Rao (moderator) Invited Heads of libraries and various consortia representatives and stake holders 4 pm - 4.30 pm : Tea Break 4.30 pm to 5 pm : Concluding Session
participants (1)
DRTC General