[lisnet] Summary of Vth MANLIBNET

Dear All I am enclosing herewith the summary of " 5th Annual National MANLIBNET Convention" Held at XLRI Jamshedpur during March 6-8 2003. Due to the regular work load, I am not able to arrange as early, sorry for the delay. Regards Dr. Sangayya S Sirurmath Librarian,XLRI ------------------------------------------- XLRI � MANLIBNET 5TH ANNUAL NATIONAL MANLIBNET CONVENTION ON � EMERGING DIGITAL LIBRARY INITIATIVES AND FUTURE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION IN INDIA � held at XLRI � Jamshedpur during March 6-8, 2003 SUMMARY OF CONVENTON DELIBERATIONS XLRI Jamshedpur and MANLIBNET conducted the Fifth Annual National Convention on � EMERGING DIGITAL LIBRARY INITIATIVES AND FUTURE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION IN INDIA� at XLRI � Institute of Management and Labour Studies, Jamshedpur during March 6-8, 2003. Dr. Sangayya S Sirurmath, Librarian, XLRI Jamshedpur was the Organizing Secretary. More than 70 delegates from IIMs, IITs, Business Schools, Universities, R&D institutions, Industrial set-ups and Colleges, from all over the country participated in the convention. Mrs. Nidhi Khare, District Commissioner, East Singhbhum, Jamshedpur, while inaugurating the convention on March 6, by lighting the ceremonial lamp, highlighted the role of libraries in the socio-economic and cultural development of society. Keynote Speaker Dr. K.M.Muttayya, University Librarian Tata Institute of Social Science � Mumbai, said �Evolution of the role of Library Science Professionals has largely and continuously been influenced by technology applications in Libraries. Professionals status have been changing periodically from Custodian, Book Keeping Data Managers, Information Managers, Chief Information Officers, and now Chief Knowledge Managers, can become �Wisdom Administrators.� He mentioned a few significant challenges posed by Digital Library Initiatives. The rich Indian paradigm of holistic development of information professionals has now been recognized world over. The four pillars of learning are: Learning to know, Learning to do, Learning to live together, Learning to be, adapted by Librarians. Librarians have the hidden strength, talent, opportunity to respond, and potentiality for the acceptance of the challenges posed by changing time and technology. When professionals serve them in the best possible way in spite of all limitations, they feel like �When I go to him begging, whatever I get, I loose it again and again, when he comes to me for alms, I open myself to recognize enormous treasure within�. Twenty first century belongs to information managers. Indian Business and Management Institute will be shaping the destiny of the world as its leader. As information managers, they have to shoulder responsibility of shaping the destiny of the country. They have all the necessary potential skills and competencies. They need to believe in themselves and need to harness their potentials fully and it will depend upon developing a positive mindset. It is assured this conference will make an effort to release that positive energy which will guide the destiny of management education, which is leading our country to greater heights. Fr. P. D. Thomas. S.J Director XLRI Jamshedpur in his Presidential Address highlighted of recent developments in information and communication technologies, especially the Internet and the WWW, which have brought significant changes in the way we generate, distribute, access and use information. For centuries, we are familiar with printed information sources. Publishers have played a key role in the generation of printed information while distributors, booksellers and especially libraries have played a key role in the distribution of information. For hundreds of years we have been using printed information sources � either by purchasing them, or by using them through libraries. The situation began to change with the introduction of computers and there has been a dramatic change over the past few years. Building a sustainable digital library presumes that the systems and services meet the needs of some user community. We need a much better understanding of who the users of these systems are, and what use they make of them. Many users continue to use physical libraries, but they expect their libraries to provide a rich mixture of physical and digital collections. We need to consider a new generation of users, with experiences and expectations different from those on whom the first generations of online catalogue, information retrieval systems and digital libraries were tested. To move toward operational systems and services, more research is needed on digital library uses and users, and this work needs to be conducted in many different environments. Having realized the inter sect oral cooperation as the main contemporary social and economic order, the effective organization alliance is the need of the hour. In order to achieve the goals and accelerate achieving the set output of these objectives, leading to the collective vision of the future direction and support thereof, the Management Libraries Network (MANLIBNET) will continue to sustain its efforts to attain the set visions. Mr. Ashok Jambhekar, President MANLIBNET spoke about the objectives of the MANLIBNET and requested the Chief Guest, Mrs. Nidhi Khare to release proceedings of the Convention and released of the Souvenir by Fr. P.D.Thomas. S.J Director, XLRI. Welcoming the chief guest and the delegates on the occasion, Fr. E.A Augustine. S.J Administrator, XLRI, emphasized the electronic library systems. Dr. Sangayya S Sirurmath, Organizing Secretary of the convention, while thanking the dignitaries on the dais as well as the delegates and invitees , hoped that Digital Libraries will significantly impact the quality of education and, indeed, the quality of life over the next decade. The convention identified new opportunities for libraries, to support librarians in developing a vision, and to provide librarians with tools to initiate a change in their own organization. This was followed by inauguration of the Exhibition of Books, furniture and equipments, library related software, databases etc., by Fr. P.D.Thomas. S.J, Director, XLRI. Dr. Sangayya S Sirurmath, the Organizing Secretary of the convention began the session by inviting and introducing the Rapporteur General for the convention, Mr. K.M.Rudresh, S.I.T. Tumkur, Chairman for the session, Mr. Chikkamalliah of IIMB Bangalore and Rapporteur for the session Mr. Jitendra Sharma IIML New Delhi. In all six papers related to the �Digital Libraries�, the first paper has presented by Mr. AkhlaQ Ahmed, CWDS New Delhi, on � Developing Digital Library : A Practicle Exercise�, stressed on the digital library planning, technical requirements, building up digital collection. The technology and information resources on their own cannot make up an effective digital library, the role of people and service provided remains important.. The paper entitled �Digital rights management : Managing rights in the electronic age� by Mr. B.B.Chand, IIM Indore, highlighted digital rights management as the outcome of research to protect the rights digitally. It also depends on the usability, reliability, scalability, availability and interoperability with respect to content creation, storage and distribution. The author responded the Queries raised by Mr. M.G.Srikumar, Librarian, IIM - Calicut. The paper on � Design and development of digital library : An initiative at TISS, Jointly written by Dr. M.M.Koganurmath and Mallikarjune Angadi Tata Institute of Social Science � Mumbai. Authors� highlighted, new technologies are forever redefining the model of delivering instruction and service to keep pace with the technological advancement in information and communication to meet the expectations of the users. They stressed the objectives of digital library application and sincere efforts to establish a modern knowledge management system at TISS library � Mumbai. In response to queries raised by Mr. Ashok Jambhekar, Mr. M.G. Srikumar and Mr. Ckikkamalliah, Dr. M.M.Koganurmath explained the services given under the INFLIBNET Project at TISS Library. The paper entitled �Business research information: A study of business databases used by management institutes� jointly written by Dr. D.Shivalingaiah Mangalore University and Dr. K. Manjunath TAPMI, Maniple, Highlighted role of electronic databases in supporting and shaping influence on B-Schools for their academic, research and consulting activities. Author�s emphasized the Indian context and utility of the databases. The paper on �Digital libraries: Problems and challenges� jointly written by Dr. Mahesh V Mudhol and Dr. Shivalingaiah, Readers, DLIS, Mangalore University, Mangalore, discussed digital libraries problems, challenges and critically analyzed the difficulties and trends of digital library services in India. Mr. G.B.Bhojaraju, Information Offcer, IRMRA, Thane and Dr. M.M.Koganurmath, University Librarian, TISS, Mumbai, joint authors of paper on �Database system: A case study of ATEC Central library� highlighted the in-house library automation, database technology, information retrieval system. They elaborated the ATEC database system and its future perspectives. Authors have responded the queries raised by Dr. S.D.Khan and Mr. Ashok Jambekar. The Chairman�s observations in this context were that technological support and library professional service motto will be helping the implementation of digital library service in India. The post lunch technical session chaired by Dr. Shivalingaiah, Reader, DLIS, Mangalore University, Mangalore and Mr. Malikarjune Angadi, TISS Mumbai, acted as the Rapporrteur. Five papers on different aspects of �Computer and network based information services�. The paper on � Information navigator future professionals beyond the beginning� by Mr. P.V.Rajkumar, Anna University, Chennai, has explained the role of library professionals and of the service perspective in the digital library environment. Another paper on � Web enabled in house library and information services: A case study of SIT Library� by Dr. A.Y.Asundi, Retired Professor, Bangalore University Bangalore and Mr. K.M. Rudresh Librarian, SIT Tumkur, has explained the case study of SIT library. It also depict, how library of an engineering college has plans to provide web-enabled in house services to its clientele and how the institutes computer and communication infrastructure can be utilized by the library and benefit to its users with help of in-house and external resources on the Internet. Dr. D.S.Thakur, Documentation Officer, NIEPA � New Delhi, presented a paper on � Value of information and online information resources�. He has explained how electronic era has posed some exciting challenges and opportunities to explore the ways of electronic publishing online resources and difficulties faced by the users. The paper on � Digital libraries for e-governance: A proposition for a developing country like India� by Mr. Rajanish Dass and Mr. Arindam Mukherjee highlighted, how various researcher have studied e-governance concepts and how it has been influencing the social environment, how social movement had itself become the cardinal force in the framing and how the concept of digital libraries may be used for e-governance especially in India. He has clarified the queries raised by Dr. P.R.Goswami, Director, NASSDOC, New Delhi. The third technical session was chaired by Mr. C.Ramaswamy, Former Divisional Manager ( Information Service), Tata steel, Jamshedpur and Mr. Anil Kumar Librarian. NIRMA, Ahmedabad, acted as the Rapporrteur. Mr. N.B.Chaudhury, former Librarian, REC, Rourkela and Ms. Partiva Acharya, Librarian RIMS, Rourkela presented a paper on �Knowledge management� They have enumerated the concept and role of library in Knowledge Management. Another paper also on � Knowledge Management� presented by joint authors Mr. A Anja Reddy and Ms. K Sunitah Deve, KITS, Ramtek describes various factors and process involved in the knowledge management system. Mr. Chandra K Swain, Librarian REM, Bhubaneswar and Dr. Sunil K Satepathy Librarian DBC Bhatei, Joint authors presented a paper on � Cooperation, Consortia, coordination: Key considerations in management college library automation�, explained the action plan to establish cooperation, consortia and coordination among the management college libraries to facilitate automation programme. Joints authors Ms. Shoba Kulkarni, Mr. M.N.Jadav, IIT and TISS, Mumbai respectively have written a paper on � Knowledge Management: New challenge for academic library managers� highlighting the knowledge management system in Scientific and social science libraries and role of library in managing the knowledge repository generated by the diverge group of users in academic environment. A paper on �Resource sharing and cooperative acquisition of electronic information resources through consortia: A case of IIM libraries� written by Mr. Chikkamallaiah, Ms. Neela and Ms. Usha, IIM Bangalore discusses the collective experience of IIM libraries in organizing and implementing the deals of resource sharing and cooperative acquisition of e-journals and databases for the benefit of providing better, faster and cheaper services. On behalf of author Mr. Shaji P John EBSCO publishing has clarified the queries raised by Dr. Sangayya S Sirurmath, Librarian, XLRI Jamshedpur. The chairman�s of the session concluded with remarks of five papers. On second day of the convention Mr. N.V.Sathyanarayana, CMD Informatics (I) Ltd. Bangalore, delivered a lecture on �Access tools and consortia imperatives of digital library initiatives� he expressed the practicality and market trends of different databases and how libraries can be able to access on consortia bases for implementation of digital libraries initiatives in India. The fourth technical session was chaired by Mr. C.V.Hiremath Librarian, UTI Mumbai and Mr. M.G.Sreekumar, Librarian, IIMK, Calicut has acted as Rapporteur. Paper on � Manpower development in IT environment� was presented by Ms. Prative Acharya. She has highlighted manpower development, human resources development, skill requirement etc., in the IT environment. Dr. Sangayya S Sirurmath Librarian, XLRI Jamshedpur has presented a paper on �Digital Libraries: An overview of social, economic and legal issues�, he expressed on overall idea of the social, economic and legal issues connected with digital libraries. Digital libraries development and utility are not only influenced by technology but they have to consider other factors viz., library professionals, researchers, government, and that users themselves have a major role to play in the fulfillment of the dream of providing distributed global digital libraries. Author has clarified queries raised by Ms. Swati Bhattacharyya and Mr. M.G. Srikumar. Mr. Jagannathan, Mr. Diwakar Loshali, Mr. Nakul Kumar Gupta, Nilesh Kumar and Mr. J Prem, Students of XLRI presented a paper on � Library in the digital era: A case for building a learning organization� They pointed out that, create a learning environment by making the library a repository of knowledge, so that it can be a center that provides the end user with multi utility services. This session was ended with two interesting vendor presentations by ProQuest database by Mr. Kelvin Low, Area Manger, S.E.Asia, Malaysia and Informatics (India) Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore. The chairman�s expressed his observations and remarks of the session. The last technical session was chaired by Dr. P.R.Goswami, Director, NASSDOC and Mr. G.Bhojaraju, Information Officer, IRMRA, Mumbai acted as Rapporteur. The paper on � Marketing of indigenous databases in the field of S&T: A survey conducted in CSIE Library and information centers of Lucknow� by Ms. Shiva Kanajia, JRF, DLIS, University of Lucknow, discussed about the survey conducted in CSIR library and findings of the marketing concepts found existing and taking place in the national information scenario, and concludes with findings and suggestions. She has clarified the queries raised by Mr. Ashok Jambhekar. Mr. Rajesh Singh, Researcher DIS, Finland and Mr. M.K.Singh IIM Lucknow, presented a paper on � Information marketing in digital environment: Some reflections� paper analyzes the role of information in marketing processes associated with the digital world and implications of digital environment and changing context of marketing communications highlighted. Author clarified the queried raised by Mr. Chikkmalliah and Mr. Balasubramanyam. The paper on � Marketing of information products and services in a knowledge driven society� joint authors Mr. M.G. Srekumar and Mr. M Gangatharan, IIMK, Calicut has described the basis of library marketing and the popular methods and services and have focuses on the WWW, IIMK portal as a case study. The author clarified the queries raised by Mr. Jitendra Sharma, Mr. Anil Kumar and Dr. P.R.Goswami. The last paper on the technical session was �Library and information marketing plan: A model approach� by joint authors Mr. C.V.Hiremath. Senior Librarian, UTI Mumbai and Dr. C.R.Karisiddappa, Professor and Chairman, DLIS, Karnataka University, Dharwad, has identified the need and purpose of the marketing plan for information products and services in the changing LIS environment and its users. They have further discussed a model approach to implement the marketing concept effectively and successfully in the area of information marketing in LIS environment. The author clarified the queries raised by Mr. N.V.Sathynarayana, CMD, informatics (I) Pvt. Ltd. The session ended with chairman�s observations and remarks. After the lunch break Ms. Indrani Bhattacharyya, Manager, British Council Library, Kolkata delivered the lecture on �Information Marketing�. She expressed the BCL strategic plans and services offered to the public. Two days presentations in the technical sessions ended with a cultural programme performed by XLRI students. The third day of the convention started with penal discussion on � Consortium of Management Libraries�. The session chaired by Ms. Swati Bharracharyya. Librarian, was IIMK Kolkata, and Panelists were Ms. Indarni Bharracharyya, Mr. Ashok Jambhekar, Mr. Chikkamallaiah, Dr. P.R.Goswami and Mr. Anil Kumar. The chairman�s observation in this context were that, library consortium is a collective activity of any group of libraries towards a common goal. It has to be actively encouraged by publishers, government policies, library authorities, Professionals, and users. IT also plays an important role in setting standards for usage measurement and other related activities in the field of digital services. The Chief Guest of the valedictory session Fr. T.A.Mathias. S.J, Former Director of XLRI gave the certificates to the delegates and best paper-cum-presentation award to the authors. While delivering the valedictory address, Fr. T. A. Mathis S.J., described the importance of Library and its service in the academic environment and rapid changes of reading habits. He highlighted the role of information, channels and technology in the present scenario. The session, which was chaired, by Mr. Ashok Jambhkar President of MANLIBNET, mentioned the �Future plans and strategy of the Management Libraries Network and role of professionals in the management education in India and positive mind set for the active networking among the professionals and their respective institution libraries. On behalf of MANLIBNET and delegates, he highly appreciated XLRI and its authorities for active support and facilities for the grand success of the fifth MANLIBNET National Convention. Finally, the convention ended with hearty vote of thanks by Dr Sangayya S Sirurmath, Librarian and Organizing Secretary of the Convention. --------------------------------- __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. http://search.yahoo.com ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Rent DVDs Online - Over 14,500 titles. No Late Fees & Free Shipping. 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JK Vijayakumar